...you are also running Norton Personal Firewall or Norton Internet
...well, then this post just may be for you!
Here's how I solved my problem (I have NPF 2002...not sure about the
settings in NIS, but they must be similar:
Go to: Options > Advanced Options > Active Content. Under "Script", there
are three options:
"Allow All Script To Execute"
"Block Script Pop-ups Only"
"Block All Script."
For some reason, "Block Script Pop-ups Only" was selected in mine. I
changed the selection to; "Allow All Script To Execute"; & the problem went
away. Hope this helps someone...anyone. I had promised at least one member
of this group I would help by posting an answer if & when I found one, but
the post was so far back, I couldn't find it...so, I thought I would just
send a new post along.