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Windows 3.x Machine

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Michael Trew

Aug 8, 2021, 10:47:54 PM8/8/21
I have a Gateway 2k with a Pentium 1 circa 1994 that I installed DOS 6.2
and Windows 3.11 for workgroups a few years ago. It's still hooked up
on my desk here. It can still get online (TCP/IP stack and IE 5.0
installed), I tested it by subscribing to a dial up service a couple of
months ago. Of course, web use is very limited, but I'm sure it would
do text based Usenet. Perhaps I'll toy around with that if I can find a
networking card for it.

Grant Taylor

Aug 9, 2021, 1:25:52 AM8/9/21
There should be plenty of ISA / PCI NICs that will work. I've had best
luck with Intel, 3Com, and AMD NICs.

I've read about people creating their own dial up networking across
serial null modems. So you might not even need a traditional NIC.

Grant. . . .
unix || die
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