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Dynamic volume/disk configuration through WMI

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Feb 28, 2014, 10:40:15 AM2/28/14
I need to get the configuration information about dynamic volume (Which might be spanned/Mirrored/Striped across multiple disks) through WMI or registry access of a remote machine. Configuration information such as capacity allocated in each disk of a dynamic volume. Lets say if the dynamic volume of size 15 GB is spanned across two disk( 10 GB in one disk and 5 GB in another disk). I need to get this contribution information through WMI or through registry access. I have tried with WIN32_DiskDrive class along with Win32_DiskPartition,Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition, but i am not able to get exact detail. Is there any other method/WMI/Registry access that can be used to retrieve this information?
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