Hello Richard,
> If all you have is raw data from a vertex buffer, then
> you have no way of knowing, without additional
> information, whether it was created with an FVF
> code or a vertex declaration.
Well, I know the size of the vertex record. I also posted, as fas as I know,
the vertex definition bitflags, that 1B003102 value, as both are stored in
the data file
Some further experimenting did show me that the upper byte (that 1B) most
likely indicates the size & type of the components stored in the vertex
By the way: I found a vertex record of just 4 bytes (example: 17 5E AC 82)
with a type of 9A000001. As far as I could tell fron the DirectX 9 docs the
low bit is reserved ...
> However, the only reason you would have the raw data
> and not the code that creates the data is because you're
> reverse engineering someone else's game or content and
> that's not considered a nice thing to do, and may be a
> violation of law depending on where you live.
Yes, its from a game. I don't know if you can call displaying available
graphics data by way of code I wrote myself reverse-engeneering though
(hint: I'm not touching the games code). Also, its fully for my own
enjoyment and education (no intent to market or even spread it).
Although ... I've got an alterior motive: There is an area in the game
which you are not designed to go, and I wanted to see if I could change some
collision-data to create an entrance. And before you ask, its a
single-player game (the only one I could cheat would be myself :-) ).
> and may be a violation of law depending on where you live.
Its not my intention to put myself on the wrong side of the law for
something like this. As far as I know (IANAL) I'm not breaking any
aplicable laws by doing the above.
Rudy Wieser
I did change a configuration file for the game, causing most NPCs to
disregard me no matter what I did (even punch them in the face). Would that
tinkering be breaking the law ? :-o :-p
-- Origional message:
Richard [Microsoft Direct3D MVP] <
legaliz...@mail.xmission.com> schreef
in berichtnieuws k28v72$or2$1...@news.xmission.com...