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Big Bertha Thing sedan

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Tony Lance

Nov 25, 2011, 3:04:21 PM11/25/11
Big Bertha Thing sedan
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs
Access page 19K JPG Image
Astrophysics net ring Access Site
Newsgroup Reviews including uk.railway

Painting showing, so called hands up the pole sedan chair.

A Mandarin in his sedan-chair.

Jostling along is a most motley crowd. Here, for example,
comes the handsomely-decorated chair
of a mandarin who is engaged on state business.
Before him run two attendants armed with whips to clear the way,
and behind them are boys carrying large painted boards
on which is written, "Stand aside!" or "Respectful silence, please!"

From the book
The World and Its People
Asia With Special Reference to British Possessions
Published by Thomas Nelson and Sons 1903
Without Author or Editor Name
(C) Copyright Tony Lance 1998
Distribute complete and free of charge to comply.

Big Bertha Thing Bertha

First Big Bertha posting was to first aid tent
in OUSA Classical Particle Conf.,
to provide aid and comfort to victims,
who had been set upon by unnamed e-mail thugs.

There was no way to make direct contact,
with shell shocked victim, so we tried Big Bertha.
The trick worked and first victim is well again,
after saying, "At last, a normal man!"
Since then Big Bertha has developed a life of her own
and actually caught some thugs in the act.

First posting consisted of two anecdotes effort and repairs,
from Big Bertha Thing gamma and particle respectively.
Effort was also the last assault rifle shot fired.
Rollover and shotgun below, were the first Big Bertha
sent in anger, with reply to all sender and copy to conf.
Progress and anecdote forward was first cannon shot fired.
Spider and fact(newsletter and readership for astronomy)
was first landmine explosion,
which was not even deployed on OUSA Astronomy.

Big Bertha Thing apology(Rollover)

Please accept my apologies for troubling you.
It will not of course be repeated.
However 3 net surfers have responded
to my call to help out on the Conf., by volunteering.

In emergency situations, needs must.
You and your fellow net surfers number 3, I see.
Net surfers have broad shoulders,
thick skins and I trust, compassion.

Big Bertha Thing shotgun

By way of light relief, a similar general apology,
to the one above, would bring solace and comfort,
to the victims of such well intentioned postings.
Please put it in a Big Bertha and address to conf.
That of course, would be the end of spam.

Tony Lance
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.hardware
From: "Tony Lance" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 17:32:02 +0100
Local: Fri, Aug 12 2011 5:32 pm
Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing hacked

Big Bertha Thing invisible

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing hacked
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:27:13 -0700
From: Tony Lance <>
To: <>

Hi Thomas,
Effective firings took place on 8th and 9th August.
Should be ok today.
Invisible on Google, killfile and filtered usenet feeds.
One website picked up my posting and put it in a webpage
as part of usenet feed. It is out there on unfiltered usenet feeds,
as used by the heavy-weights. Shame about the light-weights.
Strange to say the opposition are all heavy-weights.
Have fun.
Thank you,
Tony Lance
On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:21:06 +0200, Thomas Prost <>
> Am 29.11.2010 20:21, schrieb Tony Lance:
>... nothing going on here anymore ?
> --Gruß
> Thomas

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