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Re: Ping: David B. "Old News"

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Mynews [ OK US EN ]

Jan 16, 2014, 2:03:11 PM1/16/14
Followup-To: Followup-To: at.politics.scorched-earth Lol FTR Decoder Ring needed,,,

"FromTheRafters" <> wrote in message news:lb8n3g$mma$
> Mynews [ OK US EN ] explained :
>> "David B." <> wrote in message news:OFTVwuLS...@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> Everyone seems to have missed answering the actual question. The answer is no, your Mac cannot be infected by Windows based
>>> malware or virus's.
> It can if it's running Windows.


It's a Running
A Microsoft Virtual-pc for Mac
Running Windows XP

< >
This is a Window Xp running a Virtual-pc for Windows
I'll will Box it up
As a ISO

Now all I need is a Mac X CD
With Keys
I bet
Mr. Old98 @ MPW98G
Made Know

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