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How do I increase the maximum size of a virtual disk?

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Jan 9, 2012, 8:09:39 PM1/9/12
When I created my virtual disk drive under Virtual PC 2007, I specified
a maximum size of 16,384 MB. That is no longer large enough. When I try
to run a certain program update, I run out of disk space.

The Virtual PC Wizard only gives me the options to convert it to a
fixed-size virtual hard disk or compact it (which I have just done). I
want to keep it as a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk, but with a
larger maximum size. How can I do that? Thanks!

Please reply in this newsgroup. I never post my true
email address to prevent spam. Thank you.


Jan 9, 2012, 10:22:13 PM1/9/12
to wrote:

> When I created my virtual disk drive under Virtual PC 2007, I specified
> a maximum size of 16,384 MB. That is no longer large enough. When I try
> to run a certain program update, I run out of disk space.
> The Virtual PC Wizard only gives me the options to convert it to a
> fixed-size virtual hard disk or compact it (which I have just done). I
> want to keep it as a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk, but with a
> larger maximum size. How can I do that? Thanks!
> John

Seems an unreliable solution, though, so make sure you save a copy of
your old .vhd file.
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