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I need creat object and access it's properties

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2006年3月23日 下午3:49:212006/3/23
I am trying to create a security object for my application. I want to start
my application and open my username/password object and return all the
applications the client is allowed to access.

I can do this with an activex.exe and all appears to be working well so far.
However, I am also creating tools that can be access from outside of my
application. I need these tools to be able to access the permissions
contained within my activex.exe. If this permissions activex.exe does not
yet exist on the clients workstation it will create the object. At this
point, if I chose to launch my program, my program would then detect that the
permissions exe has been created and use the information in it. The reverse
would hold true as well. If my application was running it would create the
exe and my tools would the read the values in the exe.

I hope I have made my objectives clear.

How do I access this information. Can it be done with and ActiveX.exe or am
I looking at the wrong tool. I can't store the data in a file because I need
this information to be destroyed when the object is destroyed. This would
not be possible if stored in a file or in the registry. What if someone shut
the machine down before closing my app. or there was a power outage? My
destroy file/registry code would not be run.

I've been considering Com+ Shared Property Manager but the documentation
says that it will only work when requested from the same DLLHOST.EXE. To my
understanding this means from the same application that created the object.

Any ideas on how to achieve my objective of sharing the data would be
greatly appreciated.

I'm using VB6 enterprise.


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