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Hate Your Job?

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Jun 29, 2008, 5:51:46 AM6/29/08
Do You Hate Your Job?
If You Are Like Me And REALLY Hate Your Job, You Can Do What I have Done And
Tell All About Your Company At A Great And CHEAP New Site Called
Dont Work For These . Com
This Site Has Chat Rooms,
A Joke Section,
A Great Story Section Where You Can Tell All The Funny Or Stupid Things That
Happen Or Have Happened To You During Your Working Day.
Work Forums For You To Ask And Reply To Questions
And Do Not Forget You Can Tell All About Your Terrible Treatment You Endure
While Trying To Make A Living.
Best Of All They DO NOT Want Your Credit Card Details In Order To Join.
You Pay Through PayPal™ And That Means You Know It's Safe.*
They Only Charge £2.50 (or Your Currency Equivalent) For Everything.
You Do NOT Pay For Anything Else For A Whole Year And Have Full Access To
No Hidden Charges, No Hidden Extras. Membership For A Whole Year. Not A
Monthly Fee In Sight. So Check Out
Dont Work For These . Com Today.

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