We have installed the cluster according to Microsoft
recommendations and both nodes are members in AD 2003. We
have found that the installation fails before remote
installation on both nodes starts
I'll attach the contents of both SQLSTP.log and
******************* documents.log **********************
#### SQL Server Remote Setup - Start Time 12/04/03
11:24:19 ####
An invalid input value was supplied!
The required parameter, NumRemoteServers, was not found in
section [args]!
******************** SQLSTP.log *************************
10:49:30 Begin Setup
10:49:30 8.00.194
10:49:30 Mode = Normal
10:49:30 ModeType = NORMAL
10:49:30 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0x0
10:49:30 ValueFTS returned: 1
10:49:30 ValuePID returned: 1
10:49:30 ValueLic returned: 1
10:49:30 System: Windows NT Enterprise Server
10:49:30 SQL Server ProductType: Enterprise Edition [0x3]
10:49:30 IsNTCluster returned: 1
10:49:30 Begin Action: SetupInitialize
10:49:30 End Action SetupInitialize
10:49:30 Begin Action: SetupInstall
10:49:30 Reading
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir ..
10:49:30 CommonFilesDir=C:\Program Files\Common Files
10:49:30 Windows Directory=C:\Documents and
10:49:30 Program Files=C:\Program Files\
10:49:30 Begin Action: SetupInstall
10:49:30 digpid size : 256
10:49:30 digpid size : 164
10:49:30 Begin Action: CheckFixedRequirements
10:49:30 Platform ID: 0xf00000
10:49:30 Version: 5.2.3790
10:49:30 File Version - C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdocvw.dll:
10:49:30 End Action: CheckFixedRequirements
10:49:30 Begin Action: ShowDialogs
10:49:30 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x183000f7, Disable Back=0x1
10:49:30 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1
10:49:30 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome
10:49:32 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome
10:49:32 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1
10:49:32 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:49:32 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:49:32 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2
10:49:32 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMachineName
10:49:43 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1
10:49:43 Name = SIDVSQL, Type = 0x10000008
10:49:43 Begin Action: CheckRequirements
10:49:43 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
10:49:43 ComputerName: SIDDB01
10:49:43 User Name: cyadmin
10:49:43 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
10:49:43 OS Language: 0x41d
10:49:43 End Action CheckRequirements
10:49:43 This combination of Package and Operating System
allows a full product install.
10:49:43 End Action DialogShowSdMachineName
10:49:43 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:49:43 nFullMask = 0x183000f7, nCurrent = 0x2,
nDirection = 0
10:49:43 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf3c037, Disable Back = 0x1
10:49:43 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0
10:49:43 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:49:43 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:49:43 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4
10:49:43 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstallMode
10:49:43 InstallMode : 0x1
10:49:43 End Action DialogShowSdInstallMode
10:49:43 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:49:43 nFullMask = 0xbf3c037, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection
= 1
10:49:43 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back =
10:49:43 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1
10:49:43 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:49:43 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:49:43 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10
10:49:43 Begin Action: DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
10:49:44 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
10:49:44 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:49:44 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x10,
nDirection = 1
10:49:44 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back =
10:49:44 Dialog 0x10 returned: 1
10:49:44 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:49:44 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:49:44 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20
10:49:44 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicense
10:49:45 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
10:49:45 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1
10:49:45 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:49:45 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:49:45 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4000
10:49:45 Begin Action: DialogShowSdVirtualServer
10:49:57 ShowDlgVirtualServer returned: 0
10:49:57 Ipaddress =,,FETeam
10:49:57 szNewList =,,FETeam
10:49:57 szModifiedList =
10:49:57 szRemovedList =
10:49:57 End Action DialogShowSdVirtualServer
10:49:57 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:49:57 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x4000,
nDirection = 1
10:49:57 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back =
10:49:57 Dialog 0x4000 returned: 1
10:49:57 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:49:57 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:49:57 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000
10:49:57 Begin Action : DialogShowSdDiskGroups
10:50:00 ShowDlgDiskGroups returned: 1
10:50:00 Disk Group = SIDDISKS
10:50:00 End Action : DialogShowSdDiskGroups
10:50:00 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:50:00 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x8000,
nDirection = 1
10:50:00 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back =
10:50:00 Dialog 0x8000 returned: 1
10:50:00 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:50:00 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:50:00 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10000
10:50:00 Begin Action: DialogShowSdClusterDef
10:50:04 ShowDlgClusterDef returned: 1
10:50:04 PrefOwners = SIDDB01,SIDDB02, NumIp = 2
10:50:04 Begin Action : ValidateNodeActions
10:50:04 Begin Action : ValidateNodeActions
10:50:04 End Action : ValidateNodeActions
10:50:04 End Action : ValidateNodeActions
10:50:04 End Action DialogShowSdClusterDef
10:50:04 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:50:04 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x10000,
nDirection = 1
10:50:04 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back =
10:50:04 Dialog 0x10000 returned: 1
10:50:04 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:50:04 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:50:04 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20000
10:50:04 Begin Action : Cluster Security - DlgAcct
10:50:16 ShowDlgAcct returned: 1
10:50:16 [DlgAccount]
10:50:16 Domain = SID
10:50:16 DomainAcct = clusteradmin
10:50:16 DomainPwd
10:50:16 Result = 1
10:50:16 End Action : Cluster Security - DlgAcct
10:50:16 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:50:16 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x20000,
nDirection = 1
10:50:16 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf7c037, Disable Back =
10:50:16 Dialog 0x20000 returned: 1
10:50:16 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:50:16 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:50:16 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x40000
10:50:16 Begin Action: DialogShowSdCliSvr
10:50:16 DisplaySystemPreReq
10:50:16 ShowDlgClientServerSelect returned: 1
10:50:16 Type : 0x2
10:50:16 End Action DialogShowSdCliSvr
10:50:16 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:50:16 nFullMask = 0x1bf7c037, nCurrent = 0x40000,
nDirection = 1
10:50:16 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:50:16 Dialog 0x40000 returned: 1
10:50:16 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:50:16 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:50:16 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x80000
10:50:16 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstanceName
10:50:16 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
10:50:18 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
10:50:18 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 1
10:50:18 InstanceName : MSSQLSERVER
10:50:22 CreateSetupTopology(SIDVSQL), Handle : 0x15046b0,
returned : 0
10:50:22 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle :
10:50:22 Topology Type : 34, Return Value : 0
10:50:22 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle :
10:50:22 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
10:50:22 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x0
10:50:22 PN_StartScan [0x15046d8] returned : 0
10:50:22 PN_GetNext [0x15046d8] returned : 18, Handle:
10:50:22 No more items in enumeration.
10:50:22 ReleaseSetupTopology
10:50:22 End Action DialogShowSdInstanceName
10:50:22 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:50:22 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x80000,
nDirection = 1
10:50:22 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:50:22 Dialog 0x80000 returned: 1
10:50:22 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:50:22 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:50:22 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x100000
10:50:22 Begin Action: DialogShowSdSetupType
10:50:22 Begin Action: Setup Type
10:50:44 [SetupTypeSQL]
10:50:44 szDir = d:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
10:50:44 szDir = d:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
10:50:44 Result = 303
10:50:44 szDataDir = M:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
10:50:44 szDataDir = M:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
10:50:44 End Action: Setup Type
10:50:44 Setup Type: Custom (303)
10:50:44 End Action DialogShowSdSetupType
10:50:44 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:50:44 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x100000,
nDirection = 303
10:50:44 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:50:44 Dialog 0x100000 returned: 303
10:50:44 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:50:44 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:50:44 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x200000
10:50:44 Begin Action: DialogShowSdComponentMult
10:50:44 basesys = 0, baseinst = 0, basedata = 0
10:50:44 Begin Action: Component Handler
10:50:49 SQL program folder: d:\Program Files\Microsoft
10:50:49 SQL data folder: M:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
10:50:49 Windows system folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\
10:50:49 Prog req: 38205, Data req: 34432, Sys req: 183105
10:50:49 Prog avail: 16537840, Data avail: 157213560, Sys
avail: 14204128
10:50:49 Prog req vs. avail, 38205, 16537840
10:50:49 Data req vs. avail, 34432, 157213560
10:50:49 Sys req vs. avail, 183105, 14204128
10:50:49 DisplaySystemPreReq
10:50:49 [SQLComponentMult]
10:50:49 Component =
10:50:49 Result = 1
10:50:49 End Action: Component Handler
10:50:49 End Action DialogShowSdComponentMult
10:50:49 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:50:49 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x200000,
nDirection = 1
10:50:49 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:50:49 Dialog 0x200000 returned: 1
10:50:49 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:50:49 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:50:49 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x400000
10:50:49 Begin Action: DlgServices
10:51:00 ShowDlgServices returned: 1
10:51:00 [DlgServices]
10:51:00 Local-Domain = 61680
10:51:00 AutoStart = 0
10:51:00 SQLDomain = SID
10:51:00 SQLDomainAcct = sqlsrv
10:51:00 SQLDomainPwd
10:51:00 AgtDomain = SID
10:51:00 AgtDomainAcct = sqlsrv
10:51:00 AgtDomainPwd
10:51:00 Result = 1
10:51:00 End Action DlgServices
10:51:00 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:51:00 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x400000,
nDirection = 1
10:51:00 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:51:00 Dialog 0x400000 returned: 1
10:51:00 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:51:00 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:51:00 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x800000
10:51:00 Begin Action: DlgSQLSecurity
10:51:03 ShowDlgSQLSecurity returned: 1
10:51:03 LoginMode = 1,szPwd
10:51:03 End Action DlgSQLSecurity
10:51:03 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:51:03 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x800000,
nDirection = 1
10:51:03 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:51:03 Dialog 0x800000 returned: 1
10:51:03 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:51:03 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:51:03 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1000000
10:51:03 Begin Action: DlgCollation
10:51:32 ShowDlgCollation returned: 1
10:51:32 collation_name =
Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS,locale_name = Finnish_Swedish,lcid =
0x40b,SortId = 0,dwCompFlags = 0x30001
10:51:32 End Action DlgCollation
10:51:32 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:51:32 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x1000000,
nDirection = 1
10:51:32 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:51:32 Dialog 0x1000000 returned: 1
10:51:32 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:51:32 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:51:32 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000000
10:51:32 Begin Action: DlgNetwork
10:51:50 ShowDlgNetwork returned: 1
10:51:50 [DlgServerNetwork]
10:51:50 NetworkLibs = 255
10:51:50 TCPPort = 1433
10:51:50 TCPPrxy = Default
10:51:50 NMPPipeName = \\.\pipe\sql\query
10:51:50 Result = 1
10:51:50 End Action DlgNetwork
10:51:50 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:51:50 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x2000000,
nDirection = 1
10:51:50 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:51:50 Dialog 0x2000000 returned: 1
10:51:50 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:51:50 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:51:50 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000000
10:51:50 Begin Action: DialogShowSdStartCopy
10:51:51 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy
10:51:51 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
10:51:51 nFullMask = 0x1bffc037, nCurrent = 0x8000000,
nDirection = 1
10:51:51 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bffc037, Disable Back =
10:51:51 Dialog 0x8000000 returned: 1
10:51:51 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:51:51 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:51:51 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10000000
10:51:51 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicenseMode
10:51:53 ShowDlgLicense returned: 1
10:51:53 ShowDlgLicense returned: LicenseMode = 2,
LicenseLimit = 4
10:51:53 End Action DialogShowSdLicenseMode
10:51:53 Dialog 0x10000000 returned: 1
10:51:53 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
10:51:53 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned:
10:51:53 End Action ShowDialogs
10:51:54 Setup is installing Microsoft Distributed
Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) ...
10:51:54 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\cldtcstp.exe -
SupportDir "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin" -DTCPkg "X:\x86
\Other\dtcsetup.exe" -LogFile "C:\Documents and
Settings\cyadmin\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log" -
CtxAcct "SID\clusteradmin" -CtxEPwd
10:51:55 Process Exit Code: (0)
10:51:55 Begin Action : ClusterSetupHelper
10:51:55 Begin Action : CreateClustISSFiles
10:51:55 End Action : CreateClustISSFiles
10:51:55 Begin Action : ClusterWriteRemIni
10:51:55 End Action : ClusterWriteRemIni
10:51:55 Begin Action : Run setup on cluster nodes
1.cmdlineformat=%s k=Nb k=Rm k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SIDDB01
\X$\x86\setup\setup.ins" -f1 %s -f2 "\\SIDDB01
\admin$\setup.log" -e "stpsilnt._ex" -b -
1.cmdlineformat=%s k=ClSec k=Rm k=Cl -SMS -s -f "\\SIDDB01
\X$\x86\setup\setup.ins" -f1 %s -f2 "\\SIDDB02
\admin$\setup.log" -e "stpsilnt._ex" -x "C:\Documents and
10:51:55 Setup is performing required operations on
cluster nodes. This may take a few minutes...
10:51:55 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\cyadmin\WINDOWS\remsetup.ini
10:51:56 Process Exit Code: (-1)
10:51:56 Begin Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
10:51:56 Installation return status on SIDDB01 : -1
10:51:56 Installation return status on SIDDB02 : -1
10:51:56 End Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
10:51:56 End Action : Run setup on cluster nodes
10:51:56 One or more errors occurred while running remote
setup on the clustered machines.
10:52:02 Setup failed to perform required operations on
the cluster nodes.
10:52:02 Begin Action : ClusterErrorCleanup
10:52:02 End Action : ClusterErrorCleanup
10:52:02 End Action : ClusterSetupHelper
All help can be appriciated
Best regards
Does the second node have access to the CD-ROM? Where are
you installing from?
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.
First, log in to each of the node consoles both with the SQL service account
and the account you are running the installation from. Install expects a
temp path based in the logged-in user that launched the install as a target
to copy the files to before launching the actual remote installation. If
you haven't logged in to the target node, Windows may not have created the
profile correctly and the temporary directory won't exist. I haven't found
a KB article on this, but I ran into it personally. Of course, make sure
your installation login is a domain-level accoutn with local admin
priveleges on each node.
Also make sure you have followed this KB article if you are not installing a
default instance:
PRB: Installation of a Named Instance of SQL Server 2000 Virtual Server on a
Windows 2003-Based Cluster Fails
Finally, install won't work on clusters of more than four nodes.
PRB: Virtual SQL Server 2000 Installation Fails on Cluster That Has Eight
Good luck,
Geoff N. Hiten
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Senior Database Administrator
"Henrik" <minef...@spray.se> wrote in message
thank you for your many responses.
We found the problem. Uninstalling Terminal Services solved the problem.
We made the mistake to install Terminal Services for remote administration
like in Win2k. But this is not necessary anymore in W2k3 and Terminal
Services is a non-aware cluster application.
Installing SQL Virtual Server with TS leads to 'misplaced' setup files, i.e.
setup.iss is supposed to lie in %windir%, but ends upp in the user directory
under Documents and Settings.
The installation process actually never came so far to start the seperate
threads for the nodes, so there were no sqlstpx.log files. Remote
Installation failed right away in the beginning when trying to read the
configuration file. Remsetup.exe left the log file C:\Documents.log,
stating, that NumRemoteServers could not be read from [args].
Unfortunately I do not have the link to KB by hand. But post another message
and I'll send it to the group later.
Kind regards
NOTE: we did install directly from the consol, not via TS :), but still TS
made the installation fail
"Henrik" <minef...@spray.se> wrote in message
This problem is documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base article
SQL Server 2000 Cluster Does Not Install on Windows Server 2003-Based
Computers Where Terminal Services Is Installed
The first log that was posted had the contents of sqlstp.log file. The part
that tells the setup failed is
10:51:55 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\Documents and
10:51:56 Process Exit Code: (-1)
10:51:56 Begin Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
10:51:56 Installation return status on SIDDB01 : -1
10:51:56 Installation return status on SIDDB02 : -1
10:51:56 End Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
Notice that in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 301520 also has a
similar error snippet
13:28:59 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SqlSetup\Bin\remsetup.exe C:\Documents and
Settings\user name\WINDOWS\remsetup.ini
13:28:59 Process Exit Code: (-1)
13:28:59 Begin Action : GetRemsetupRetCode
13:28:59 Installation return status on HQUCHBI040 : -1
13:28:59 Installation return status on HQUCHBI041 : -1
Uttam Parui
SQL Server Developer Support Engineer, MCDBA, MCSE, MCT
Product Support Services
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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