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How to Uninstall program via registry uninstall string

已查看 2,744 次


2007年9月27日 13:20:012007/9/27
How can I successfully uninstall an application that was not deployed via
SMS? It appears in Add/Remove Programs and I have the uninstall registry

The program will uninstall if I use the msiexec uninstall string at the
command prompt of the machine.

I tried putting the uninstall registry key in a batch file and deploying via
SMS which states the advertisement was successful but the application does
not uninstall.

I currently do not have any packaging experience so am kind of stuck at this
point. (I am using SMS 2003 - sp2).

2007年9月27日 13:40:372007/9/27
On Sep 27, 1:20 pm, Deester <> wrote:
> How can I successfully uninstall an application that was not deployed via
> SMS? It appears in Add/Remove Programs and I have the uninstall registry
> key.
> The program will uninstall if I use the msiexec uninstall string at the
> command prompt of the machine.

What I would do is create a new package called "Prog-X Uninstall." I
would create a new program in that package called "Prog-X Uninstall"
and in the command line box I would put that command string that you
know works. Then distribute the package. Next, create a collection,
and last, an advertisement.


Kim Oppalfens [MVP]

2007年9月27日 14:15:152007/9/27
If you execute the uninstall program does it ask you questions, do you
have to click next?

"Everyone is an expert at something"
Kim Oppalfens - Sms Expert for lack of any other expertise
Windows Server System MVP - SMS


2007年9月27日 16:21:392007/9/27
Here is an example command line that would uninstall the latest
version of google earth.

The /x mean uninstall
The /quiet means it runs hidden no prompts
/l*v "c:\googleearth.txt" creates a log file in verbose mode. In your
package program properties you would put the line below in the Command
line text box. The uninstall string in the registry should be

MsiExec.exe /x{407B9B5C-DAC5-4F44-A756-B57CAB4E6A8B} /quiet /l*v "c:


2007年9月28日 08:01:012007/9/28
I used the following with no success:

MsiExec.exe /uninstall {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A} /quiet

I will add the log file piece in and try that. If it did not uninstall
though I wonder if I will get a log file.... well I will give it a try....


2007年9月28日 07:59:012007/9/28
No - I put the quiet switch so it just runs in the background no problem at
the command prompt. It just doesn't work when I try to deploy it with SMS.
I have tried it in a batch file and also through a program command line:

MsiExec.exe /x {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A} /qn

MsiExec.exe /uninstall {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A} /quiet


2007年9月28日 09:57:002007/9/28
I ran program with the logging and this is what it shows (after a 1605
failure on the advertisement).

=== Verbose logging started: 9/28/2007 9:03:54 Build type: SHIP UNICODE
3.01.4000.4039 Calling process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe ===
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:117]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:117]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:117]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:117]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running
entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:117]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:226]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:226]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges
before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:226]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown.
Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (38:B4) [09:03:54:289]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (38:B8) [09:03:54:289]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (38:B8) [09:03:54:289]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (38:B8) [09:03:54:289]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (38:B8) [09:03:54:289]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls'
is 0
MSI (s) (38:B8) [09:03:54:289]: MainEngineThread is returning 1605
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:289]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If
counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (58:7C) [09:03:54:289]: MainEngineThread is returning 1605
=== Verbose logging stopped: 9/28/2007 9:03:54 ===

Any ideas?

Sherry Kissinger [MVP-SMS]

2007年9月28日 21:20:002007/9/28
I suspect that the program you are trying to uninstall was designed and
installed in a per-user context. If you test in SMS to run "only when user
logged in" and "with User rights", does SMS uninstall it then?
Standarize. Simplify. Automate.


2007年10月1日 15:53:012007/10/1
It did uninstall but I was logged in as myself with admin rights. Wouldn't
the user have to have local admin rights to uninstall? I tried it with
someone here in the office who didn't have local admin rights and it failed
with a 1605.


2007年10月2日 14:07:092007/10/2
The 1605 error is a generic error. It can mean alot of things. Did
you get the Product GUID from the registry of the computer you are
uninstalling from? If not check the computer you are testing it on
and make sure the GUID is the same. Google earth was a pain because
their original version didn't have the uninstall set up to use
MSEXEC. So I had to upgrade to the latest version then run the
uninstall. If they do not have local admin rights then they wouldn't
be the one that installed it in the first place. The system account
should work fine in that scenerio.

I would first check the registry on the client computer for the
uninstall string to make sure it is the same. Then I would set the
package to only run when a user is logged in to see if that works.
Make sure that you set your package program to Run with administrative
rights and if you use a software installation account check the box
for that. Try using the /passive switch to see if you get any sort of
errors on the client pc.


2011年11月29日 21:11:282011/11/29
This is a really old post, but someone may find this helpful.

A 1605 exit code is:
This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.

Here's a nice, easy to read, list of Exit Codes and what they mean.

So your uninstall command probably works, but the product is already uninstalled on that machine.

The following uninstall command-line works on the majority of msi based installs:

msiexec /x{Product_GUID} /qn

> On Thursday, September 27, 2007 1:20 PM Deeste wrote:

> How can I successfully uninstall an application that was not deployed via
> SMS? It appears in Add/Remove Programs and I have the uninstall registry
> key.
> The program will uninstall if I use the msiexec uninstall string at the
> command prompt of the machine.
> I tried putting the uninstall registry key in a batch file and deploying via
> SMS which states the advertisement was successful but the application does
> not uninstall.
> I currently do not have any packaging experience so am kind of stuck at this
> point. (I am using SMS 2003 - sp2).

>> On Thursday, September 27, 2007 1:40 PM scottws wrote:

>> On Sep 27, 1:20 pm, Deester <> wrote:
>> What I would do is create a new package called "Prog-X Uninstall." I
>> would create a new program in that package called "Prog-X Uninstall"
>> and in the command line box I would put that command string that you
>> know works. Then distribute the package. Next, create a collection,
>> and last, an advertisement.
>> hth
>> Scott

>>> On Thursday, September 27, 2007 2:15 PM Kim Oppalfens [MVP] wrote:

>>> wrote:
>>> If you execute the uninstall program does it ask you questions, do you
>>> have to click next?
>>> --
>>> "Everyone is an expert at something"
>>> Kim Oppalfens - Sms Expert for lack of any other expertise
>>> Windows Server System MVP - SMS

>>>> On Thursday, September 27, 2007 4:21 PM CITYGEEK wrote:

>>>> Here is an example command line that would uninstall the latest
>>>> version of google earth.
>>>> The /x mean uninstall
>>>> The /quiet means it runs hidden no prompts
>>>> /l*v "c:\googleearth.txt" creates a log file in verbose mode. In your
>>>> package program properties you would put the line below in the Command
>>>> line text box. The uninstall string in the registry should be
>>>> similar.
>>>> MsiExec.exe /x{407B9B5C-DAC5-4F44-A756-B57CAB4E6A8B} /quiet /l*v "c:
>>>> \googleearth.txt"

>>>>> On Friday, September 28, 2007 7:59 AM Deeste wrote:

>>>>> No - I put the quiet switch so it just runs in the background no problem at
>>>>> the command prompt. It just doesn't work when I try to deploy it with SMS.
>>>>> I have tried it in a batch file and also through a program command line:
>>>>> MsiExec.exe /x {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A} /qn
>>>>> MsiExec.exe /uninstall {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A} /quiet
>>>>> "Kim Oppalfens [MVP]" <""Kim dot Oppalfen" wrote:

>>>>>> On Friday, September 28, 2007 8:01 AM Deeste wrote:

>>>>>> I used the following with no success:
>>>>>> MsiExec.exe /uninstall {9B07E14F-44CE-4E24-A440-9F9E1ADE804A} /quiet
>>>>>> I will add the log file piece in and try that. If it did not uninstall
>>>>>> though I wonder if I will get a log file.... well I will give it a try....
>>>>>> "CITYGEEK" wrote:

>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 28, 2007 9:20 PM mofmaste wrote:

>>>>>>>> I suspect that the program you are trying to uninstall was designed and
>>>>>>>> installed in a per-user context. If you test in SMS to run "only when user
>>>>>>>> logged in" and "with User rights", does SMS uninstall it then?
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Standarize. Simplify. Automate.
>>>>>>>> "Deester" wrote:

>>>>>>>>> On Monday, October 01, 2007 3:53 PM Deeste wrote:

>>>>>>>>> It did uninstall but I was logged in as myself with admin rights. Wouldn't
>>>>>>>>> the user have to have local admin rights to uninstall? I tried it with
>>>>>>>>> someone here in the office who didn't have local admin rights and it failed
>>>>>>>>> with a 1605.
>>>>>>>>> "Sherry Kissinger [MVP-SMS]" wrote:


2011年11月29日 21:12:432011/11/29
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 9:10 PM DeQuosaek wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>> This is a really old post, but someone may find this helpful.
>>>>>>>>>>> A 1605 exit code is:
>>>>>>>>>>> This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a nice, easy to read, list of Exit Codes and what they mean.
>>>>>>>>>>> So your uninstall command probably works, but the product is already uninstalled on that machine.
>>>>>>>>>>> The following uninstall command-line works on the majority of msi based installs:
>>>>>>>>>>> msiexec /x{Product_GUID} /qn


2011年11月29日 21:12:172011/11/29


2011年11月29日 21:14:402011/11/29
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 9:10 PM DeQuosaek wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>> This is a really old post, but someone may find this helpful.
>>>>>>>>>>> A 1605 exit code is:
>>>>>>>>>>> This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a nice, easy to read, list of Exit Codes and what they mean.
>>>>>>>>>>> So your uninstall command probably works, but the product is already uninstalled on that machine.
>>>>>>>>>>> The following uninstall command-line works on the majority of msi based installs:
>>>>>>>>>>> msiexec /x{Product_GUID} /qn

>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 9:11 PM DeQuosaek wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a really old post, but someone may find this helpful.
>>>>>>>>>>>> A 1605 exit code is:
>>>>>>>>>>>> This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a nice, easy to read, list of Exit Codes and what they mean.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So your uninstall command probably works, but the product is already uninstalled on that machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The following uninstall command-line works on the majority of msi based installs:
>>>>>>>>>>>> msiexec /x{Product_GUID} /qn

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