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Catching a Hacker

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Jul 24, 2004, 1:00:01 PM7/24/04
I just learned that a woman I know (someone I met on-line) has been hacking my computer. She gathered pictures of my children and posted them on-line, w/ their addresses.

Aside from buying a fire wall, which I will do today, I have no idea what to do about this.

From my event viewer, I see that someone has been accessing my computer from the network almost every night.

What I want to know is how I can catch this person and prosecute her. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Jeff Cochran

Jul 24, 2004, 2:19:07 PM7/24/04
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 10:00:01 -0700, Amanda
<> wrote:

>I just learned that a woman I know (someone I met on-line) has been hacking my computer. She gathered pictures of my children and posted them on-line, w/ their addresses.
>Aside from buying a fire wall, which I will do today, I have no idea what to do about this.

The firewall is a good start. Also see the resources at:

>From my event viewer, I see that someone has been accessing my computer from the network almost every night.
>What I want to know is how I can catch this person and prosecute her. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Open the phone book. In the Government pages is the phone number of
your local FBI office. Call them and report this. To maintain the
forensic data you have already, disconnect your system from the
internet, and wait for the FBI to decide whether they need to examine
the system.

What you describe is a federal crime. If your children are under 18,
the FBI may want to pursue this aggressively, especially if the names
and addresses were posted without your permission. They answer the
phone 24 hours a day, so pick it up now.



Jul 24, 2004, 3:07:14 PM7/24/04
Hi Amanda,

I can relate well to your problem. Sorry, I am not able
to help you right now, but I'd be glad to help when I
find out the answer to your question. I am looking for
the same thing myself. Someone keeps knocking me offline.
If I ind out anything, I'll let you know. Feel free to
email me at



Karl Levinson [x y] mvp

Jul 25, 2004, 9:00:04 AM7/25/04

"Jeff Cochran" <> wrote in message

> Open the phone book. In the Government pages is the phone number of
> your local FBI office. Call them and report this. To maintain the
> forensic data you have already, disconnect your system from the
> internet, and wait for the FBI to decide whether they need to examine
> the system.
> What you describe is a federal crime. If your children are under 18,
> the FBI may want to pursue this aggressively, especially if the names
> and addresses were posted without your permission. They answer the
> phone 24 hours a day, so pick it up now.

It may be a crime, but there is a chance the FBI or the prosecutors may not
be interested in prosecuting. They have a large number of cases and can
only prosecute the "worst" cases with the most evidence, most damage and
strictest sentence guidelines. However, contacting the local FBI and/or
local law enforcement is a good suggestion just in case.

If this person is accessing your computer from her place of business,
looking up the IP address should give you the company name and phone number,
and you could get her punished at work. This would be the most reliable way
to get back at her, if this is the case.

You may not have the IP address right now, but installing a firewall and
configuring it to not block anything but log everything would let you
capture the IP address next time she accesses your computer [assuming she
comes back for more]. You would also want to enable logging [assuming
you've got Windows 2000 or XP, other versions of Windows are harder to log
this data]. Again, if you want proof to retailate, I caution you to not
prevent her from accessing your computer again until you have the IP address
and evidence. Here's how:

Shenan Stanley

Jul 25, 2004, 6:13:01 PM7/25/04

Suggestions on what you can do to secure/clean your PC. I'm going to try
and be general, I will assume a "Windows" operating system is what is
being secured here.


This one is the most obvious. There is no perfect product and any company
worth their salt will try to meet/exceed the needs of their customers and
fix any problems they find along the way. I am not going to say Microsoft
is the best company in the world about this but they do have an option
available for you to use to keep your machine updated and patched from
the problems and vulnerabilities (as well as product improvements in some
cases) - and it's free to you.

Windows Update

Go there and scan your machine for updates. Always get the critical ones as
you see them. Write down the KB###### or Q###### you see when selecting the
updates and if you have trouble over the next few days, go into your control
panel (Add/Remove Programs), match up the latest numbers you downloaded
recently (since you started noticing an issue) and uninstall them. If there
was more than one (usually is), install them back one by one - with a few
hours of use in between, to see if the problem returns. Yes - the process
is not perfect (updating) and can cause trouble like I mentioned - but as
you can see, the solution isn't that bad - and is MUCH better than the
alternatives. (SASSER/BLASTER were SO preventable with just this step!)

Windows is not the only product you likely have on your PC. The
manufacturers of the other products usually have updates as well. New
versions of almost everything come out all the time - some are free, some
are pay - some you can only download if you are registered - but it is best
to check. Just go to their web pages and look under their support and
download sections.

You also have hardware on your machine that requires drivers to interface
with the operating system. You have a video card that allows you to see on
your screen, a sound card that allows you to hear your PCs sound output and
so on. Visit those manufacturer web sites for the latest downloadable
drivers for your hardware/operating system. Always (IMO) get the
manufacturers hardware driver over any Microsoft offers. On the Windows
Update site I mentioned earlier, I suggest NOT getting their hardware
drivers - no matter how tempting.

Have I mentioned that Microsoft has some stuff to help secure your computer
available to the end-user for free? This seems as good of a time as any.
They have a CD you can order (it's free) that contain all of the Windows
patches through October 2003 and some trial products as well that they
released in February 2004. Yeah - it's a little behind now, but it's better
than nothing (and used in coordination with the information in this post,
well worth the purchase price..)

Order the Windows Security Update CD

They also have a bunch of suggestions, some similar to these, on how to
better protect your Windows system:

Protect your PC


Let's say you are up-to-date on the OS (operating system) and you have
Windows XP.. You should at least turn on the built in firewall. That will
do a lot to "hide" you from the random bad things flying around the
Internet. Things like Sasser/Blaster enjoy just sitting out there in
Cyberspace looking for an unprotected Windows Operating System and jumping
on it, doing great damage in the process and then using that Unprotected OS
to continue its dirty work of infecting others. If you have the Windows XP
ICF turned on - default configuration - then they cannot see you! Think of
it as Internet Stealth Mode at this point. It has other advantages, like
actually locking the doors you didn't even (likely) know you had. Doing
this is simple, the instructions you need to use your built in Windows XP
firewall can be found here:

If you read through that and look through the pages that are linked from it
at the bottom of that page - I think you should have a firm grasp on the
basics of the Windows XP Firewall as it is today. One thing to note RIGHT
NOW - if you have AOL, you cannot use this nice firewall that came with
your system. Thank AOL, not Microsoft. You HAVE to configure another
one.. So we continue with our session on Firewalls...

But let's say you DON'T have Windows XP - you have some other OS like
Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT, 2000. Well, you don't have the nifty built in
firewall. My suggestion - upgrade. My next suggestion - look through your
options. There are lots of free and pay firewalls out there for home users.
Yes - you will have to decide on your own which to get. Yes, you will have
to learn (oh no!) to use these firewalls and configure them so they don't
interfere with what you want to do while continuing to provide the security
you desire. It's just like anything else you want to protect - you have to
do something to protect it. Here are some suggested applications. A lot of
people tout "ZoneAlarm" as being the best alternative to just using the
Windows XP ICF, but truthfully - any of these alternatives are much better
than the Windows XP ICF at what they do - because that is ALL they do.

ZoneAlarm (Free and up)

Kerio Personal Firewall (KPF) (Free and up)

Outpost Firewall from Agnitum (Free and up)

Sygate Personal Firewall (Free and up)

Symantec's Norton Personal Firewall (~$25 and up)

BlackICE PC Protection ($39.95 and up)

Tiny Personal Firewall (~$49.00 and up)

That list is not complete, but they are good firewall options, every one of
them. Visit the web pages, read up, ask around if you like - make a
decision and go with some firewall, any firewall. Also, maintain it.
Sometimes new holes are discovered in even the best of these products and
patches are released from the company to remedy this problem. However, if
you don't get the patches (check the manufacturer web page on occasion),
then you may never know you have the problem and/or are being used through
this weakness. Also, don't stack these things. Running more than one
firewall will not make you safer - it would likely (in fact) negate some
protection you gleamed from one or the other firewalls you ran together.


That's not all. That's one facet of a secure PC, but firewalls don't do
everything. I saw one person posting on a newsgroup that "they had
never had a virus and they never run any anti-virus software." Yep - I used
to believe that way too - viruses were something everyone else seemed to
get, were they just stupid? And for the average joe-user who is careful,
uses their one-three family computers carefully, never opening unknown
attachments, always visiting the same family safe web sites, never
installing anything that did not come with their computer - maybe, just
maybe they will never witness a virus. I, however, am a Network Systems
Administrator. I see that AntiVirus software is an absolute necessity given
how most people see their computer as a toy/tool and not something
they should have to maintain and upkeep. After all, they were invented to
make life easier, right - not add another task to your day. You
can be as careful as you want - will the next person be as careful? Will
someone send you unknowingly the email that erases all the pictures of your
child/childhood? Possibly - why take the chance? ALWAYS RUN ANTIVIRUS
SOFTWARE and KEEP IT UP TO DATE! Antivirus software comes in so many
flavors, it's like walking into a Jelly Belly store - which one tastes like
what?! Well, here are a few choices for you. Some of these are free (isn't
that nice?) and some are not. Is one better than the other - MAYBE.

Symantec (Norton) AntiVirus (~$11 and up)

Kaspersky Anti-Virus (~$49.95 and up)

Panda Antivirus Titanium (~$39.95 and up)
(Free Online Scanner:

AVG 6.0 Anti-Virus System (Free and up)

McAfee VirusScan (~$11 and up)

AntiVir (Free and up)

avast! 4 (Free and up)

Trend Micro (~$49.95 and up)
(Free Online Scanner:

RAV AntiVirus Online Virus Scan (Free!)

Did I mention you have to not only install this software, but also keep it
updated? You do. Some of them (most) have automatic services to help you
do this - I mean, it's not your job to keep up with the half-dozen or more
new threats that come out daily, is it? Be sure to keep whichever one you
choose up to date!


So you must be thinking that the above two things got your back now - you
are covered, safe and secure in your little fox hole. Wrong! There are
more bad guys out there. There are annoyances out there you can get without
trying. Your normal web surfing, maybe a wrong click on a web page, maybe
just a momentary lack of judgment by installing some software packages
without doing the research.. And all of a sudden your screen starts filling
up with advertisements or your Internet seems much slower or your home page
won't stay what you set it and goes someplace unfamiliar to you. This is
spyware. There are a whole SLEW of software packages out there to get rid
of this crud and help prevent reinfection. Some of the products already
mentioned might even have branched out into this arena. However, there are
a few applications that seem to be the best at what they do, which is
eradicating and immunizing your system from this crap. Strangely, the best
products I have found in this category ARE generally free. That is a trend
I like. I make donations to some of them, they deserve it!

Two side-notes: Never think one of these can do the whole job.
Try the first 5 before coming back and saying "That did not work!"
Also, you can always visit:
For more updated information.

Spybot Search and Destroy (Free!)

Lavasoft AdAware (Free and up)

CWSShredder (Free!)

Hijack This! (Free)
( Tutorial: )

SpywareBlaster (Free!)

IE-SPYAD (Free!)

ToolbarCop (Free!)

Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner (Free!)

Browser Security Tests

The Cleaner (49.95 and up)

That will clean up your machine of the spyware, given that you download and
install several of them, update them regularly and scan with them when you
update. Some (like SpywareBlaster and SpyBot Search and Destroy) have
immunization features that will help you prevent your PC from being
infected. Use these features!

Unfortunately, although that will lessen your popups on the Internet/while
you are online, it won't eliminate them. I have looked at a lot of options,
seen a lot of them used in production with people who seem to attract popups
like a plague, and I only have one suggestion that end up serving double
duty (search engine and popup stopper in one):

The Google Toolbar (Free!)

Yeah - it adds a bar to your Internet Explorer - but its a useful one. You
can search from there anytime with one of the best search engines on the
planet (IMO.) And the fact it stops most popups - wow - BONUS! If you
don't like that suggestion, then I am just going to say you go to and search for other options.

One more suggestion, although I will suggest this in a way later, is to
disable your Windows Messenger service. This service is not used frequently
(if at all) by the normal home user and in cooperation with a good firewall,
is generally unnecessary. Microsoft has instructions on how to do this for
Windows XP here:


This one can get annoying, just like the rest. You get 50 emails in one
sitting and 2 of them you wanted. NICE! (Not.) What can you do? Well,
although there are services out there to help you, some email
servers/services that actually do lower your spam with features built into
their servers - I still like the methods that let you be the end-decision
maker on what is spam and what isn't. If these things worked perfectly, we
wouldn't need people and then there would be no spam anyway - vicious
circle, eh? Anyway - I have two products to suggest to you, look at them
and see if either of them suite your needs. Again, if they don't, Google is
free and available for your perusal.

SpamBayes (Free!)

Spamihilator (Free!)

As I said, those are not your only options, but are reliable ones I have
seen function for hundreds+ people.


I might get arguments on putting this one here, but it's my spill. There are
lots of services on your PC that are probably turned on by default you don't
use. Why have them on? Check out these web pages to see what all of the
services you might find on your computer are and set them according to your
personal needs. Be CAREFUL what you set to manual, and take heed and write
down as you change things! Also, don't expect a large performance increase
or anything - especially on todays 2+ GHz machines, however - I look at each
service you set to manual as one less service you have to worry about
someone exploiting. A year ago, I would have thought the Windows Messenger
service to be pretty safe, now I recommend (with addition of a firewall)
that most home users disable it! Yeah - this is another one you have to
work for, but your computer may speed up and/or be more secure because you
took the time. And if you document what you do as you do it, next time, it
goes MUCH faster! (or if you have to go back and re-enable things..)

Task List Programs

Black Viper's Service List and Opinions (XP)

Processes in Windows NT/2000/XP

There are also applications that AREN'T services that startup when you start
up the computer/logon. One of the better description on how to handle these
I have found here:


That's it. A small booklet on how to keep your computer secure, clean of
scum and more user friendly. I am SURE I missed something, almost as I am
sure you won't read all of it (anyone for that matter.) However, I also
know that someone who followed all of the advice above would also have less
problems with their PC, less problems with viruses, less problems with spam,
fewer problems with spyware and better performance than someone who didn't.

Hope it helps.

<- Shenan ->
The information is provided "as is", with no guarantees of
completeness, accuracy or timeliness, and without warranties of any
kind, express or implied. In other words, read up before you take any
advice - you are the one ultimately responsible for your actions.

Shenan Stanley

Jul 25, 2004, 6:13:42 PM7/25/04
Chris wrote:
> Hi Amanda,
> I can relate well to your problem. Sorry, I am not able
> to help you right now, but I'd be glad to help when I
> find out the answer to your question. I am looking for
> the same thing myself. Someone keeps knocking me offline.
> If I ind out anything, I'll let you know. Feel free to
> email me at

Suggestions on what you can do to secure/clean your PC. I'm going to try


Jul 25, 2004, 6:41:16 PM7/25/04

I'm curious to know (to somewhat pinpoint how this was
done and the MO): how or where did you meet this person
online? What website did you meet this person? Did you
open an attachment from this person sent through email or
did you visit a website by clicking a link they provided
to you?


N. Miller

Jul 26, 2004, 12:25:40 PM7/26/04
In article <>, =?Utf-8?B?
QW1hbmRh?= says...

> I just learned that a woman I know (someone I met on-line) has been
> hacking my computer. She gathered pictures of my children and posted them
> on-line, w/ their addresses.

"Someone" is a better description that "a woman". I run a number of female
"sock puppets", but I am most assuredly not a woman! {No, not for evil
purposes; my first female persona was designed as bait for what I thought
was a guy stalking one of my nieces. It turned out that niecie was
overreacting a bit.}

> Aside from buying a fire wall, which I will do today, I have no idea what
> to do about this.

Well, that is a start. Er, uh; do you mean a router? Get one with 'stateful
packet inspection', if that is what you are getting.

> From my event viewer, I see that someone has been accessing my computer
> from the network almost every night.

From the Internet? Is this Windows XP you are using? Did you know that
Windows XP has an integral firewall which is sufficient to block intrusions?
It doesn't work for extrusions, though.

> What I want to know is how I can catch this person and prosecute her. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated!

I am not sure that I would want to catch her; not personally, that is. That
is why we have police! {Okay, way to light...} All you can do is contact the
legal agencies which normally work this kind of incident, and let them
decide if it is worth the effort at pursuit. As others have stated, they may
have more pressing matters to deal with. However, your situation might
warrant a watch by them; if the incident escalates, they may buck up the
priority on your case.

~Win dain a lotica, En vai tu ri, Si lo ta
~Fin dein a loluca, En dragu a sei lain
~Vi fa-ru les shutai am, En riga-lint


Jul 27, 2004, 12:39:40 PM7/27/04
Oh, oh, oh my gawd! I just came on newsgroups today for 1st time and see this and man'o'man that is messed up! Somehow the problem I was looking to solve is now forgotten and I want to know how to check my "event log." Where do I go and what do I look for, besides the obvious - I guess? Besides that question, I just want to say do as you are told and make that call now if you haven't already - you have to know that you never ever really know anyone face to face and online makes it much more difficult. Take care to take care, good luck!


Jul 29, 2004, 4:49:04 PM7/29/04

If you haven't already, read every bit of Shenan's reply
to your post.

As far as prosecuting goes, unfortunately it's propable
nothing will happen for several reasons. 1. Evidence has
not been properly collected and retained. Everytime you
boot up your PC, files are changing and being written to,
therefore the state of the files are different from when
the attack happened and cannot be conclusively tracked
back to the perpetrator. 2. No monetary damage has been
done. Sounds sad, but I've had cases where the Secret
Service and the FBI have not pressed charges because the
damages did not exceed $5,000.

Bottom line...the Internet is a dirty place. Be careful
who you hang out with.



Jul 31, 2004, 7:25:51 AM7/31/04
Amanda wrote:

don't waste your time
unless your a bussiness the FBI does not care

Greg R

Jul 31, 2004, 9:53:59 AM7/31/04
Contact her isp or if it a public website like angelfire the email
is usually

She/He has violated their posting polices. Explain the problem in
detail. Her/His account could be closed. The website will be

Greg R

Jan 12, 2017, 8:48:43 AM1/12/17
He's on here now trying to get me off. I suck at computerd

Jan 12, 2017, 8:50:37 AM1/12/17
Your right Jeff or Chris apple does want me to call the police

Jan 12, 2017, 8:51:35 AM1/12/17
He's in my FBI everything I tunes you name it

Jan 12, 2017, 8:53:33 AM1/12/17
You live on inspiration way chris ????,,

Jan 12, 2017, 8:53:33 AM1/12/17
0 new messages