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Need to know how to Enable File and Printer Sharing from VB script

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no leída,
14 dic 2003, 5:54:55 p.m.14/12/2003
I need to enable my Local Area Connection one Items called File and Printer Sharing using VBScript. Can anyone please tell how to I can do this Thanks

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

no leída,
14 dic 2003, 6:56:15 p.m.14/12/2003
para wrote:

> I need to enable my Local Area Connection one Items called File and Printer Sharing using VBScript. Can anyone please tell how to I can do this Thanks


I only know how to install it by using snetcfg.exe, like this:

snetcfg.exe -v -l %windir%\Inf\NETSERV.INF -c s -i MS_Server

If you want to use Snetcfg.exe to _enable_ File & Print Sharing (F&PS already
installed, but the checkbox is not checked), you will have to uninstall F&PS
first, and then install again. This will make the checkbox checked.

snetcfg.exe -v -u MS_Server
snetcfg.exe -v -l %windir%\Inf\NETSERV.INF -c s -i MS_Server

Snetcfg is a sample tool in the MS Driver Development Kit
(...\src\network\config\netcfg) that must be compiled into an exe from the
source (C/C++?) before it can be used. It can list, install and uninstall most
network components (note: Win2k and WinXP only).

More about MS Driver Development Kit here:

Fortunately, you can download a compiled version of Snetcfg.exe (note
different version depending on OS) at, tip 4705

Here is a script that should do the job by first uninstalling (just in case)
and then installing F&Ps (you will need to update the content of the
sSnetcfgPath variable):

SetLocale "en-us" ' do not remove

If GetOsVersionNumber = 5.0 Then
sSnetcfgPath = "some path to snetcfg.exe for WinXP"
Elseif GetOsVersionNumber = 5.1 Then
sSnetcfgPath = "some path to snetcfg.exe for WinXP"
' unsupported OS
End If

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

sUninstCmd = Chr(34) & sSnetcfgPath & Chr(34) & " -u MS_Server"
oShell.Run sUninstCmd, 0, True

sInstCmd = Chr(34) & sSnetcfgPath & Chr(34) & " -l " _
& "%windir%\Inf\NETSERV.INF -c s -i MS_Server"
oShell.Run sInstCmd, 0, True

Function GetOsVersionNumber()
' Determines OS by reading reg val & comparing to known values
' OS version number returned as number of type double:
' Windows 2k: 5
' Windows XP: 5.1
' Windows Server 2003: 5.2
' Windows x: >5.2
Dim oShell, sOStype, sOSversion
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

On Error Resume Next
sOStype = oShell.RegRead(_
If Err.Number<>0 Then
' Hex(Err.Number)="80070002"
' - Could not find this key, OS must be Win9x

sOStype = oShell.RegRead(_
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows" & _

Select Case sOStype
Case "4.00.950"
sOSversion = 1 ' Windows 95A
Case "4.00.1111"
Dim sSubVersion
sSubVersion = oShell.RegRead(_
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows" & _
Select Case sSubVersion
Case " B"
sOSversion = 1 ' Windows 95B
Case " C"
sOSversion = 1 ' Windows 95C
Case Else
sOSversion = 1 ' Unknown Windows 95
End Select
Case "4.03.1214"
sOSversion = 1 ' Windows 95B
Case "4.10.1998"
sOSversion = 2 ' Windows 98
Case "4.10.2222"
sOSversion = 2 ' Windows 98SE
Case "4.90.3000"
sOSversion = 3 ' Windows Me
Case Else
sOSversion = 1 ' Unknown W9x/Me
End Select
Else ' OS is NT based
sOSversion = oShell.RegRead(_
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion")
If Err.Number<>0 Then
GetOsVersion = "Unknown NTx"
' Could not determine NT version
Exit Function ' >>>
End If
End If

' Setting Locale to "en-us" to be indifferent to country settings.
' CDbl might err else
SetLocale "en-us"
GetOsVersionNumber = CDbl(sOSversion)
End Function

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of the 1328 page Scripting Guide:

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