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"interface not registered" in ActiveScript host on 2008R2 Core

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Brandon Langley

Apr 15, 2010, 8:01:01 PM4/15/10
In doing our testing against 2008R2, we discovered that scripts running
against WMI were failing on Server Core systems.

Digging a little deeper, it appears we were able to create the object, but
when we attempt to invoke a method against that object we receive the
following error:

0x80040155 - Interface not Registered

Example (abbreviated):

Set objWMIService =
set colPrivileges = objWMIService.Security_.Privileges

In this particular case, the second line is where the above HRESULT is thrown.

This issue only appears to occur on a 2008 R2 Server Core system, the 2008
R2 Server systems that we have tried this on do not fail.

Also, if I attempt this same piece of script with the Windows Scripting
Host, the script succeeds.

Has anyone seen anything like this? Can anyone offer suggestions on how to
debug into this?

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