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The file cannot be opened

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Nov 3, 2009, 1:32:09 PM11/3/09
I've got an interesting problem on a project a PM is working on. All the other projects are fine and this PM is an experienced PM with many other active projects not showing this problem.

When you try to check it into Project Server 2007 sp2 it gives the following error:

Note: The file opens fine and we can edit it no problem just not check it back in or publish. It publishes fine from PWA?!?!

The file cannot be opened.

-Check that the file name and path are correct.

-Check that the file format is reconized by Project.

Project files saved in a version earilier than Microsoft Project 98 can't be opened.

If your file is from an earlier version, open it in that version, click Save as (File menu), and save in MPX format. Open the MPX file in the current version of Project. When you use this method, project data is imported, but formatting is lost.

I tried to restore back to a pervious version of the project but still no luck.

I tried on my computer and go the same error.

Even going back to the first version of the project shows this error.

Any suggestions?

The server and desktop software is current upto the August cumlative releases.

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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Dale Howard [MVP] dot at dot

Nov 3, 2009, 2:34:07 PM11/3/09
Colin --

I would immediately suspect that the file has become corrupted somehow.
Given the fact that you have tried multiple methods to open it, the last
ditch effort would be to do as follows:

1. Launch Project Professional 2007 and connect to Project Server.
2. In the new blank project (Project1), click Insert - Project.
3. Select the troublesome project.
4. DESELECT the "Link to project" checkbox and then click the Insert
5. When promted to save the changes to the troublesome project, click the
No button.

If successful, this action will recover the guts of the troublesome project
in a new project. If this works, your PM can save the new project under a
slightly different name than the old one (just to be safe) and then the
Project Server administrator can delete the original troublesome project.

If this doesn't work, then a more "labor intensive" approach would be to
apply a Project Details view in PWA and then export the project data to
Excel (Actions - Export Grid to Excel). Before the PM does this, the
Project Server administrator should create a custom Project view in PWA that
contains all of the relevant columns needed for an export to Excel, followed
by an import back to Microsoft Project.

A couple of ideas that might help your PM. Let us know if either of these

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
VP of Educational Services
"We write the books on Project Server"

"Colin Jennings" wrote in message

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