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Microsoft you just cannot get your web download working corectly!

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George Hester

Jun 14, 2002, 10:44:29 PM6/14/02
What the hell is the matter with you?

Error 1311 was not found.

You may think this is me and that explains why you continue this charade of the
Platform SDK on the Web. Who the hell do you think you are fooling?

George Hester

Brad Rogers

Jun 15, 2002, 2:23:06 PM6/15/02
I have the CD and it will not install, due to this error.
I returned to the SDK because now I need the features, and
am here to see if anyone on the planet has figured out why
the SDK wont install.

it seems that the files have to be unzipped and placed
somewhere then fun the install, thats all that makes sense
since I can find and open the file it says it cannot open.

I want to install the entire thing, disk space is no
issue, and whats wrong with 64 bit stuff? I mean if a
person wants to experiment with custom cpu code there it
is, but as for 64 bit windows? I quit tracking it.

so it didnt makes sense about using the temp files you
mentioned, why would that work?

what javascript problem? Im running win2000 with the
latest service packs. I had the eval version of xp, but
after getting no help from Microsoft, gave up. I was
coding and had to change the date to run some code, then
when I shut down, it said: xp expired, go buy the full
version in the store. go now! and the computer shuts
off. hey, any chance to get another day or so? to recover
the emails and files I had in there? no response. so I
call the customer service numbers and get some guy who is
a contractor at Microsoft, gives me another # which I
called a few times, no replies, well the solution of
course is to be a member of the msdn. if I had the $$$ I
would do that, since of all software out there Microsoft
is the best, and apparently they stopped supporting the
small developers after so many people were rude to them,
over so many years. so Im not suprised there is no
support at this level, they can say: want free support? go
use linux tools. then when you say wow, these are sure
weak, you write out a $5,000 check and join msdn for a
year. its the same with Intel.


George Hester

Jun 15, 2002, 8:38:45 PM6/15/02
The javascript code is in the Platform Web download. It may not be a javascript
issue but just a lack of the script determing the correct files to include in
the download for the chosen options in the SDK.

For you I can only address one thing because that is the only one I had trouble
with. If you are downloading and trying to install just the Core components
without the Win 64 crap the install will fail due to not finding some requisite
files. They are and There are
more files which are necessary to download the core but you should get all
those. The two I have listed go unbegotten and so the install fails.

All the cabs must reside in the same directory. If you are trying to install
from the CD I'm sure the same holds true. All the cabs must be in the same
directory for that is where the installer will look for the necessary cabs.
Furthermore you might want to get your Installer to 2.0. When I first went to
the Patform download site although I have Installer 2.0 plus the hotfix,
something else of the Installer downloaded and installed. I don't know what it
was and the Windows Installer SDK 2.0 also failed. But not due to not having
the correct installer but because the Core Install failed and consequently so
did Windows Installer 2.0 SDK fail.

Again this is poor quality control at Microsoft and will someday doom them out
of existance. They really need to get a handle on their Quality Control. But
as far as I can tell they have no one at Microsoft that thinks Quality Control
is a good business practice.

George Hester
"Brad Rogers" <> wrote in message

Jaime Rios

Jun 17, 2002, 4:26:39 PM6/17/02
I have to agree with you, I am trying to install the
WinSDK, and it is the most painfull process for me. Why
can't they make this easier?


Harry Bynum (MSFT)

Jun 17, 2002, 5:24:32 PM6/17/02

I am sorry you are having trouble installing the sdk. Pardon me, but I need
a bit of clarification on how you are installing.

Are you installing from the web, or just trying to download the entire
package before installing?

If you are trying to install rather than download, you may find it quicker
and easier to download the entire package then install. The link I just
downloaded from was

If you have your subscription handy, here is where you can find Platform
SDK on disk

1490 Microsoft Platform SDK - August 2001 Edition English DVD Subscription
Ent, OS Apr 2002
1178 Microsoft Platform SDK - August 2001 Edition English DVD Subscription
Ent, OS, Pro, Univ Jan 2002
1654 Microsoft Platform SDK - November 2001 Edition English DVD
Subscription Univ May 2002
1653 Microsoft Platform SDK - November 2001 Edition English DVD
Subscription Ent, OS, Pro May 2002
1268 Microsoft Platform SDK - November 2001 Edition English DVD
Subscription Univ Feb 2002
1267 Microsoft Platform SDK - November 2001 Edition English DVD
Subscription Ent, OS, Pro Feb 2002
1178 Microsoft Speech SDK 5.0, Windows CE DirectX Platform Adaptation Kit
1.0, SharePoint Team Services SDK Version 1.1 English DVD Subscription Ent,
OS, Pro, Univ Jan 2002
Harry Bynum
Microsoft Product Support Services Visual Studio.NET
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

George Hester

Jun 18, 2002, 6:15:09 AM6/18/02
The point is the Web Download ought to work or did that bypass you? I
understand you are trying to be helpful. We appreciate it. But let me explain
something that programmers do or should. We make our application say a web
designer and we try everything as we have written it so see if it works. We
jump on our computers, we fly to Hong Kong non-stop and then try the program 1/2
asleep,..., we try to come up with all the ways a user may screw our most
cherished creation to see if we have forgotten something. That is what you need
to do. After you post the site you should check everywhich way a user may use
the site and see if they all work on all your supported operating systems and
with all your supported browsers. That is called Quality Control. New concept
eh? If you had tried the Core Download with nothing else chosen and NO win 64
crap (why are you doing this?) you will find the install FAILS.

George Hester
"Harry Bynum (MSFT)" <> wrote in message

Harry Bynum (MSFT)

Jun 18, 2002, 3:13:14 PM6/18/02

Thank you for posting.

I can full well understand the demands on a professional developer, and the
frustrations. The intent of your points are well taken, will be forwarding
along your sentiments to the website administrators.

The scope of this forum is to aid and assist in the installation of the
pSDK, not specifically the download experience or website
performance/organization. The focus is to get a customer up-and-running as
quickly and easily and painless for the customer as can be accomplished.
Forum postings are looked at by an entire community, so a one-to-many
troubleshooting and solution helps many others.

The developer community is extremely important to Microsoft support
professionals, and to think we we blindly throw something together without
taking our well-valued dev community interests and desires, or the method
of our deployment, to heart is simply to be misinformed. The developer
community has, is now and will always be an extremely important part of

To answer your question, the "Windows Build Environment (64-bit)" are build
tools for development for the itanium processor. We provide this tool set
for those who look to develop with the IA64 in mind. You should be able to
download and run the pSDK without the 64-bit tools with no problem.

Since reading your post I have tested the download site externally on both
cable modem and T-1, with/without the 64-bit tools and have not found it to
fail or not install. I tested by installing from each website and
downloading the cab files for local installation. What are you seeing when
you say it fails? The failure to get tools into people's hands, handicaps
the dev community, and concerns me.

Even if the issue is with net performance outside the bounds of the
netserver, it is still important the development community is very
satisfied with their experience.

If this continues to be a problem, please contact us to open a support
incident or I will be happy to open on your behalf, however, should there
be any suggestions regarding improving the site you would like to offer, I
would be happy to serve as facilitator and advocate for change.

Thanks again for posting.

Carl Verner Skou

Jun 18, 2002, 5:26:27 PM6/18/02
"Jaime Rios" <> wrote in news:f53f01c2163d

> I have to agree with you, I am trying to install the
> WinSDK, and it is the most painfull process for me. Why
> can't they make this easier?

I can longer update/install the SDK - just wanting an update of the core
SDK. Never encounted any problems earlier, now IE 6.0 goes down with
unknown error after trying to examine my system.

(Windows 2000 Pro, VC++ 6.0 SP 5.0. Earlier core SDK and SDK DX 8.1)

Yours Carl Verner Skou

Cinematograph - DVD, MPEG, QuickTime, AVI movieviewer
* Remove NUKESPAM to reply *

Harry Bynum (MSFT)

Jun 19, 2002, 2:14:06 PM6/19/02

Thanks for posting, I am sorry you are having problems installing the
Platform SDK. It is correct to assume it should install most eloquently. I
have forwarded the feedback to the right sources to look into why this is
happening. I appreciate all who have responded to let us know there is a

Carl, there are a couple of things. One of the reason IE times out may be
due to a long look by an antivirus running in the background. There could
be a number of causes, but this one is a known wrinkle in the download
process, and not much way around it. It is being worked on.

There are really three workarounds, do a complete download, and then
install locally, rather than installing from the net. Net problems and
antivirus software may not have quite the impact as an install over the
net. Second, install from one of the MSDN CD's included in your
subscription. Below is a list of the index referencing the PSDK. Lastly,
and it is NOT recommended is to disable antivirus and reinstall. I mention
this only as a possibility for consideration, and would strongly argue the
case against disabling any antivirus for an across-the-net install of any

Thank you for your patience,

Should this still not work for you, please open a support case with our SDK
Setup and install team. You can open a case by calling 1-800-936-5800, as
all setup calls are, it is a grace, no-charge call.

Harry Bynum
Microsoft Product Support Services Visual Studio.NET
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

George Hester

Jun 19, 2002, 5:35:31 PM6/19/02
I want to thank you for making the attempt to replicate the issue. Of course I
am not the only one that had the exact same error

Error 1311 was not found.

although the missing cab was different. In my case installing over a cable
modem (time out was not an issue) just the CoreSDK and with only the first two
options chosen not the Win64 (stuff?), the cabs I mentioned earlier did not
download. Since we are unable to get the Platform SDK in full outside of the
JavaScript thingamajing we have no choice but to accept the way it is now.

I am surprised that you had tried what I described and you were using IE 5.5 SP2
on Windows 2000 Server SP2 and you had all the cabs download. What turned up
missing were the samples. How do I know? Because the samples are in
coresdk-common.2.1.0 and coresdk-common.2.1.1 and it was those files that were
not downloaded when I tried for them doing as I said above.

And I watched the install crap after the chm files were installed. Then when I
captured these two cabs and redid the download with these two files in the
created folder I watched the install complete; got past the chms and the sample
installs began. So by a process of deduction that is where the samples were.
If I had no issues installing I would not know this now would I? Since the
Platform SDK Install is hidden from us.

I believe the issue is that a custom install over the NET does not provide all
the necessary files for a successful install. And that is bad decision making
on the part of the script.

Thank you for taking the time to address this with us.

George Hester
"Harry Bynum (MSFT)" <> wrote in message


Carl Verner Skou

Jun 19, 2002, 5:50:09 PM6/19/02
to (Harry Bynum (MSFT)) wrote in

> Thanks for posting, I am sorry you are having problems installing the

> Platform SDK. It is correct to assume it should install most...

Thanks for the feed-back. Will try again and report if problems.

Harry Bynum (MSFT)

Jun 20, 2002, 9:55:32 AM6/20/02

I will build that exact machine. I used XP Pro with IE6.0, so I will
rebuild a box with the exact configuration you outline. Is there any
specific software otherwise running in the background that could impact our
test that I may need to know about?

And I have forwarded the latest onto the folks that are concerned with the
website and the pSDK as a product.

I am taking a few hours off today, so it may be Thurs in the morning EST
before I set this up hammer on it.


Jun 21, 2002, 8:52:19 PM6/21/02

Can you please provide more information.

what version of OS, IE?

what is your download speed?
Derek [MS-SDK]

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-This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Jaime Rios" <> wrote in message


Jun 21, 2002, 8:54:30 PM6/21/02

Can you please provide more information.

what version of OS, IE?

what is your download speed?

Derek [MS-SDK]

-Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for
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-This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Carl Verner Skou" <> wrote in message

George Hester

Jun 24, 2002, 4:23:28 AM6/24/02
Well let's just say I had about 650MB free space on a NTFS 8GB partition.
Actually Harry this happened before with the November 2001 Platform SDK I had
to us the same method then to get the necessary files that would not download.
When I did it this time I could repeat it endlessly. The day I posted the first
post on this. But I do what I can to outwit the issues and so far I have been
successful doing that. Good luck. Oh maybe this is important.

Remember how years ago when the Platform SDK was going to install the
recommendation was to uninstall any older version? Well I didn't. I still have
Platform SDK July 2000 in here. For reasons best left unsaid right now.

George Hester
"Harry Bynum (MSFT)" <> wrote in message


Harry Bynum (MSFT)

Jun 24, 2002, 9:57:03 AM6/24/02

I hope this note finds you well,

I have a reply from higher levels of folks from the PSDK team and they are
looking at widely revamping the PSDK download to make it easier and less

They appreciate your raising this issue (so do I) and are working to make
it better.

George Hester

Jun 24, 2002, 11:02:44 PM6/24/02
What's wrong with the ole' ftp server? That is easy.

George Hester
"Harry Bynum (MSFT)" <> wrote in message


Carl Verner Skou

Dec 5, 2002, 2:28:57 PM12/5/02
Derek wrote:

>> I can longer update/install the SDK - just wanting an update of the
>> core SDK. Never encounted any problems earlier, now IE 6.0 goes down
>> with unknown error after trying to examine my system.
>> (Windows 2000 Pro, VC++ 6.0 SP 5.0. Earlier core SDK and SDK DX 8.1)

> Carl,

> Can you please provide more information.
> what version of OS, IE?
> what is your download speed?

Windows 2000 Pro SR 3.0, IE 6.0 SR 1.0. Cleaned the entries in registry
and removed the SDK-helper application in the system-directory. Can now
download and get wanted components it seems.


Carl Verner Skou


Cinematograph - MPEG, QuickTime, WMV, AVI full screen digital video
Developer :
* Remove NUKESPAM to reply * Made with recycled pixels * Quartz is great!

Sep 12, 2011, 6:57:15 PM9/12/11
I think you guys should check out there are 2 or 3 products that may be a match, I think that OESIS Framework at provide a single interface to many antivirus packages, another option is I think Metascan at which is more for ISV, I also found that many antivirus engines certified by OPSWAT at

I hope this helps.

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