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Is Preview Pane in Outlook 2002 / XP broken?

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[ a m z ]

May 14, 2003, 7:25:25 PM5/14/03
Just wondering...

Based on my personal experiences and more research into this NG's archives,
I'm wondering if Preview Pane was broken somehow in Outlook 2002 / XP.
Sometimes when my Outlook crashes and it restarts, Preview Pane is turned
off. SOME of the trouble I have SEEMS to come when I click on a header to
download the message body (via ISP's POP3). If the Preview Pane is set for
that window, Outlook crashes more often -- especially if it is trying to
draw something in the Preview Pane (i.e. not plain text).

Could this be related to some of the other changes in Outlook 2002 -- like
the ability to do things (multi-task) while Outlook is fetching headers
and/or message bodies? Previous versions would force you to do one thing
and ONLY one thing at a time. Could this be the cause of the memory errors
(as per previous Jeff Stephenson attempted diagnoses)?

Is anyone else having Outlook 2002 crash on them regularly? Does turning
off AutoPreview or Preview Pane help?

Is anyone actively using Preview Pane with consistent *stability*?

[ a m z ]

May 14, 2003, 7:29:14 PM5/14/03
More wondering...

I presume that Preview Pane uses some/all of IE's guts? Could there be some
sort of a version conflict with my Internet Explorer 6? I've noticed that
IE has crashed a few times since the OL2002 upgrade and that it sometimes
has little hiccups.

Frederick A. W., Pasternack

May 15, 2003, 4:06:06 AM5/15/03

> Is anyone else having Outlook 2002 crash on them regularly? Does
> turning off AutoPreview or Preview Pane help?
> Is anyone actively using Preview Pane with consistent *stability*?

Yes, all day - every day. NO problem whatsoever.
If you are experiencing stability problems make sure you have both Office
and Windows Service Packs applied.
There may well be your problem.
Regards & HTH

[ a m z ]

May 16, 2003, 12:14:41 PM5/16/03

Every possible patch and service pack has been applied. I've even gutted
and re-installed Outlook 2002. No improvement.

Is your OL2002 an upgrade or a clean installation? Have you ever had Office
2000 on that machine?

Others report problems when the system has or had Office 2000 on it

On a lark, I turned off the Preview Pane and <knock on wood> Outlook hasn't
crashed in a day. That all will likely change as soon as I post this,
but... You know how temperamental the Office programs get when you talk
about them behind their backs. I sometimes even wonder if OL gets jealous
of OE. :)

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