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Re: How to move multiple folders at the same time

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Brian Tillman

Apr 25, 2007, 10:07:54 AM4/25/07
rhiggens <> wrote:

> How can I move multiple folders to a new location at the same time?

If you mean from one PST to another, I don't belive that's possible.
Brian Tillman


Apr 25, 2007, 1:40:00 PM4/25/07
No, I mean move multiple folders at the same time within the same mailbox.
For example, I have 10 sub folders in Folder 1. I want to move all of them
to Folder 2. Right now I move them one at a time. I want to move them all
in one step.

Brian Tillman

Apr 25, 2007, 6:28:11 PM4/25/07
rhiggens <> wrote:

> No, I mean move multiple folders at the same time within the same
> mailbox. For example, I have 10 sub folders in Folder 1. I want to
> move all of them to Folder 2. Right now I move them one at a time.
> I want to move them all in one step.

I don't think that's possible, either.
Brian Tillman

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Apr 26, 2007, 4:57:05 PM4/26/07
rename folder 1 to folder 2. :)

You can easily move a folder and the subfolders - but the only way to act on
a bunch of folders at the same level is to move them into one folder - at
least when deleting, it's easier to drag and drop folders into one then
delete that folder. If you are just moving them, it's probably not any
faster to move them into a folder unless the folder tree is big and you are
scrolling a lot.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"rhiggens" <> wrote in message


Dec 12, 2007, 7:27:39 PM12/12/07
If you ever needed to or wondered how to move multiple folders in Outlook 2003, then the simple answer would be, "YOU CAN'T"!!! However, if you use Outlook against an Exchange server (most businesses do), then you may have a saving grace. Most Exchange administrators enable a tool called OWA (Outlook Web Access). It is a web version of Outlook that runs directly from the Exchange server and is accessible on your network's intranet (inside firewall) and sometimes over the internet. Ask your email admin if this is enabled. If it is (and it uses forms based authentication), then you are in luck because, the OWA CAN move multiple folders!!! YAAAYYY! Here's how,
1. Access the OWA website via the internet address (URL) given to you by your email admin or tech support
2. If Forms Based Authentication is enabled then choose BASIC under the CLIENT selection (this is most important)
3. Login using your domain name and password
4. The Inbox should appear and you should now see a list of FOLDERS (if you have them there) with CHECK BOXES!!! If you don't see folders, just navigate to the folder that you have with the multiple folders in it.
5. That is exciting because those check boxes mean that you can now select MULTIPLE FOLDERS and then click the MOVE or COPY button (in the toolbar above the folder list)
6. You will be prompted to choose a destination (these all have radial buttons, since you can only send to one destination of course)
7. VIOLA!!! You have moved multiple folders in your email!!!


A Womand Told Me


Dec 12, 2007, 7:27:58 PM12/12/07

Diane Poremsky

Dec 12, 2007, 10:23:33 PM12/12/07
As an FYI, you can move multiple folders if they are subfolders you want to
move the parent folder... the contents of the folder will move, including

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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"Will Flint" wrote in message

Pandali Bryan

Jul 30, 2010, 1:37:48 PM7/30/10
I had this same problem, so I went and created a plug-in to help out here.

It's called Pandali Folder Master for Outlook ( and it shows the folder list with checkboxes, so you can select several folders at once and delete, copy, or move them in batches. You can also Shift+Click to select a range of folders, and you can move folders without their subfolders. Also has Undo/Redo.

If you try it out, let me know how it works for you and any suggestions you might have at Thanks!

-Bryan, Pandali

Diane Poremsky wrote:

As an FYI, you can move multiple folders if they are subfolders you want to


As an FYI, you can move multiple folders if they are subfolders you want to
move the parent folder... the contents of the folder will move, including

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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"Will Flint" wrote in message

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Wednesday, April 25, 2007 9:28 AM
rhiggen wrote:

How to move multiple folders at the same time

How can I move multiple folders to a new location at the same time?

On Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:07 AM
Brian Tillman wrote:

Re: How to move multiple folders at the same time
If you mean from one PST to another, I do not belive that is possible.
Brian Tillman

On Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:40 PM
rhiggen wrote:

No, I mean move multiple folders at the same time within the same mailbox.
No, I mean move multiple folders at the same time within the same mailbox.

For example, I have 10 sub folders in Folder 1. I want to move all of them

to Folder 2. Right now I move them one at a time. I want to move them all
in one step.

"Brian Tillman" wrote:

On Wednesday, April 25, 2007 6:28 PM
Brian Tillman wrote:

Re: How to move multiple folders at the same time
I do not think that is possible, either.
Brian Tillman

On Thursday, April 26, 2007 4:57 PM
Diane Poremsky [MVP] wrote:

rename folder 1 to folder 2.
rename folder 1 to folder 2. :)

You can easily move a folder and the subfolders - but the only way to act on
a bunch of folders at the same level is to move them into one folder - at
least when deleting, it's easier to drag and drop folders into one then
delete that folder. If you are just moving them, it's probably not any
faster to move them into a folder unless the folder tree is big and you are
scrolling a lot.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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"rhiggens" <> wrote in message

On Wednesday, December 12, 2007 7:27 PM
Will Flint wrote:

Exchange Email - Move multiple folders at the same time

If you ever needed to or wondered how to move multiple folders in Outlook 2003, then the simple answer would be, "YOU CAN'T"!!! However, if you use Outlook against an Exchange server (most businesses do), then you may have a saving grace. Most Exchange administrators enable a tool called OWA (Outlook Web Access). It is a web version of Outlook that runs directly from the Exchange server and is accessible on your network's intranet (inside firewall) and sometimes over the internet. Ask your email admin if this is enabled. If it is (and it uses forms based authentication), then you are in luck because, the OWA CAN move multiple folders!!! YAAAYYY! Here's how,
1. Access the OWA website via the internet address (URL) given to you by your email admin or tech support
2. If Forms Based Authentication is enabled then choose BASIC under the CLIENT selection (this is most important)
3. Login using your domain name and password
4. The Inbox should appear and you should now see a list of FOLDERS (if you have them there) with CHECK BOXES!!! If you don't see folders, just navigate to the folder that you have with the multiple folders in it.
5. That is exciting because those check boxes mean that you can now select MULTIPLE FOLDERS and then click the MOVE or COPY button (in the toolbar above the folder list)
6. You will be prompted to choose a destination (these all have radial buttons, since you can only send to one destination of course)
7. VIOLA!!! You have moved multiple folders in your email!!!


On Wednesday, December 12, 2007 7:27 PM
Will Flint wrote:

Exchange Email - Move multiple folders at the same time

If you ever needed to or wondered how to move multiple folders in Outlook 2003, then the simple answer would be, "YOU CAN'T"!!! However, if you use Outlook against an Exchange server (most businesses do), then you may have a saving grace. Most Exchange administrators enable a tool called OWA (Outlook Web Access). It is a web version of Outlook that runs directly from the Exchange server and is accessible on your network's intranet (inside firewall) and sometimes over the internet. Ask your email admin if this is enabled. If it is (and it uses forms based authentication), then you are in luck because, the OWA CAN move multiple folders!!! YAAAYYY! Here's how,
1. Access the OWA website via the internet address (URL) given to you by your email admin or tech support
2. If Forms Based Authentication is enabled then choose BASIC under the CLIENT selection (this is most important)
3. Login using your domain name and password
4. The Inbox should appear and you should now see a list of FOLDERS (if you have them there) with CHECK BOXES!!! If you don't see folders, just navigate to the folder that you have with the multiple folders in it.
5. That is exciting because those check boxes mean that you can now select MULTIPLE FOLDERS and then click the MOVE or COPY button (in the toolbar above the folder list)
6. You will be prompted to choose a destination (these all have radial buttons, since you can only send to one destination of course)
7. VIOLA!!! You have moved multiple folders in your email!!!


On Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:23 PM
Diane Poremsky wrote:

As an FYI, you can move multiple folders if they are subfolders you want to
As an FYI, you can move multiple folders if they are subfolders you want to
move the parent folder... the contents of the folder will move, including

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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"Will Flint" wrote in message

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