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SR-2 Won't install ?

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Robert McJimsey

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
With Win98, Office 97 with SR-1 installed (Help/About in MS Word) and
Outlook98 installed I tried installing SR-2 (downloaded) I get the message
"SR-2 did not find an installation of SR-1 on this machine, installation
discontinued" (or something like that) I deleted all files in Temp and Cash
dir.'s with no luck. Any idea's?


Barry G. Sumpter

Sep 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/19/98
I had to reinstall sr-1 to get sr-2 to work.

(lots of software installations on my machine)


Lyle Giles

Sep 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/19/98
I've got this problem too, maybe I've got the early version SR1 update, how
do I check this?

Robert McJimsey wrote in message


Sep 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/19/98
This is from the group where they have found this
Seems like a major problem for a lot of people.
Note, you can substitute any of the non updating programs for Excel.
Some people have been having problems with Winword also.
Hope it helps.
You are a hero!
Your work around worked for me also and you are right about the problem being with
the version of Excel.
All the files Bob Buckland suggested checking (in his trouble shooting post) were OK
except for Excel which was v 8.0 ( not 8.0a) even though it showed the SR1 patch in
Help > About.
Excel does have the side effect of the wrong User Name etc but...
Thanks again, well done.
F.G. Reutens wrote in message ...
On my Windows 98 system running Office 97 Pro which was patched with SR1,
the installation of the SR2 patch halted with the comment that it did not
detect the presence of SR1 on my machine. Looking at the SR2 log file, I
noted that Excel.exe was tagged as "base version" and thus the installation
was stopped.
Apparently there are a few versions of Excel.exe, beginning with 8.0, then
8.0a, and so on to 8.0e (the current SR2 patched version). It seems the
earlier versions (mine is 8.0), although patched by SR1, do not say so in
the Registry (or wherever this info is stored). Thus SR2 sees it as an
unpatched version. I believe only the earliest 8.0 version has this problem,
later ones do not.
As a workaround, I renamed the Excel.exe file in the Office folder to a
non-executable, and copied the Excel.exe file found in the SR2 temp folder
to the Office folder.
SR2 installed smoothly and to-date all is fully functional, slightly faster
than before. I have tested the re-calculation bug formulae (4 of them) and
all has been cured. The only drawback is that in the Help about box, the
license data shows "unknown user" and "uninstalled version" with no ID
number. I can live with this as the other Office modules retain the same
license data.
Have I done myself an injury I will come to regret?

Best regards.

F.G. Reutens
Lyle Giles wrote in message ...

Ken Slovak [MVP-Outlook]

Sep 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/19/98
This is from a KB article that will be released soon:


When you install the Microsoft Office 97 SR-2 Patch, you may receive
the following error message:

Microsoft Office 97 SR-2

Microsoft Office SR-2 can not locate an installation of Office 97 SR-1
on this machine. If you are running Office 97 SR-2 from CD-ROM, first
install Office 97 SR-1 from the CD-ROM. If you downloaded Office 97
SR-2 from the Web, first install Office 97 SR-1 from

\** Note that the URL shown in this error message is incorrect. To
obtain SR-1, go to the following address:

You may receive this error message even though you have already
installed Microsoft Office 97 SR-1 on your computer.



This problem may occur if any of the following conditions are true:

- The version of one or more of the following files on your computer's
hard disk is lower than the version of the file included in Microsoft
Office 97 SR-1:








- The following key in your registry

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\mso97.dll\Path

refers to an incorrect location for your Mso97.dll file.


- Your downloaded copy of the SR-2 Patch is damaged or corrupt.



To correct this problem and allow the SR-2 Patch to update your
Microsoft Office program files, you need to perform the following

- Search for and delete duplicate program files

- Delete files whose versions are incorrect

- Verify the Mso97.dll key in your registry

- Reinstall Microsoft Office 97 SR-1

- Rerun the SR-2 Patch

Search for and Delete Duplicate Program Files


If there are two or more copies of any of your Microsoft Office
program files on your computer, the SR-2 Patch may fail. To prevent
this problem from occurring, you must find and delete the duplicate
files. To do this, repeat the following steps for each of the
following files:







1. On the Start menu, point to Find, and click Files Or Folders.

2. In the Named edit box, type the name of the file for which you want
to search. In the Look In list box, select My Computer. Then, click
Find Now.

Typically, the search will return a copy of the file in the following

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office

The search may also return additional files, with the same name but in
different folders. Delete the additional files by right-clicking them
and clicking Delete on the shortcut menu. When only one file remains,
move to the next file in the list. If the search returns only one
file, do not delete it; instead, move to the next file in the list.

Delete Files Whose Versions are Incorrect


If any of your Microsoft Office program files have a version that is
lower than the version of the files in Microsoft Office 97 SR-1, the

SR-2 Patch will fail.The SR-2 Patch checks the versions of the
following files included in Microsoft Office 97 SR-1:

Minimum File Name SR-1 Version* Size in Bytes*


Mso97.dll 8.0.4202 3,782,416

Excel.exe 8.0a or higher 5,604,624

Winword.exe 8.0 5,324,560

Outllib.dll 8.02 or higher 4,375,312

Msaccess.exe 8.0.4122 3,016,976

Powerpnt.exe 8.0 3,499,792

* Note that file versions or file sizes may be higher than those shown
here, due to maintenance releases, recalculation patches, or other
interim upgrades. If the version of a file is less than that shown
above, the SR-2 Patch cannot proceed.

You can check the versions of your files by performing the following
steps for each file listed above:

1. On the Start menu, point to Find, and click Files Or Folders.

2. In the Named edit box, enter the name of the file for which you
want to search. In the Look In list box, select My Computer. Then,
click Find Now.The Find dialog box should locate a single copy of the
file on your computer.

3. Right-click the file. On the shortcut menu, click Properties.

4. You can check the file size by looking at the Size in the General
tab. You can also check the file version by looking at the File
Version in the Version tab.

5. Click Cancel.

If the file version from step 4 is less than that shown above, the
file must be deleted:

1. Right-click the file. On the shortcut menu, click Delete.

2. Click Yes to send the file to the Recycle Bin.

If the file version is greater than or equal to that shown above, the
file need not be deleted.

Verify the Mso97.dll Key in Your Registry


If the Mso97.dll key in your registry refers to an incorrect location
for Mso97.dll, the SR-2 Patch will fail. To correct this problem:

1. On the Start menu, point to Find, and click Files Or Folders.

2. In the Named edit box, enter "Mso97.dll", without quotation marks.
In the Look In list box, select My Computer. Then, click Find Now.

3. Write down the path shown for the Mso97.dll file. For example:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office

4. Close the Find dialog box.

5. On the Start menu, click Run. In the Open edit box, type "regedit",
without quotation marks. Click OK.

6. In the registry tree, click the plus sign (+) to the left of the
following items, in order:




Shared Tools

Then, click the folder to the left of "mso97.dll".

7. In the right pane, click Path. On the Edit menu, click Modify. In
the Value Data edit box, type the path you wrote down in step 3. Add
"\Mso97.dll", without quotation marks, to the end of the path, so that
it resembles the following:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Mso97.dll

8. Click OK. Then, click Exit on the Registry menu.

Reinstall Microsoft Office 97 SR-1


If, while following the previous steps, you removed any files from
your computer, you must now reinstall Microsoft Office 97 SR-1. The
required method depends on how you originally installed Microsoft
Office 97:

- If you originally installed Microsoft Office 97 and then ran the
SR-1 Patch, you will need to reinstall Microsoft Office 97, and then
rerun the SR-1 Patch.

To reinstall Microsoft Office 97:

1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
Double-click Add/Remove Programs. Select Microsoft Office 97, and
click Add/Remove.

2. In the Microsoft Office 97 Setup dialog box, click Reinstall. You
may be prompted for your Microsoft Office CD or floppy disks.

3. Once Microsoft Office 97 has been reinstalled, rerun the SR-1
Patch. If you no longer have a copy of the SR-1 Patch on your

computer or on a CD, you may download the SR-1 Patch from the
following address:

- If you originally installed the Microsoft Office 97 SR-1 Enterprise
Update, simply reinstall:

1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
Double-click Add/Remove Programs. Select Microsoft Office 97, and
click Add/Remove.

2. In the Microsoft Office 97 Setup dialog box, click Reinstall. You
may be prompted for your Microsoft Office CD or floppy disks.

Rerun the SR-2 Patch


> Now that you have deleted all duplicate files, deleted all files
whose versions are lower than in SR-1, checked your Mso97.dll registry
key, and reinstalled Microsoft Office 97 SR-1, you are now ready to
rerun the SR-2 Patch.

If All Else Fails


If you have performed the steps above and the SR-2 Patch still does
not install, it is possible that your copy of the SR-2 Patch is
invalid. To re-download the SR-2 Patch, use your Web browser to go to
the following address:

Once you have re-downloaded the SR-2 Patch, try running it again.



The behavior described above is by design of the Microsoft Office 97
SR-2 Patch.



When you run the SR-2 Patch, it checks the file versions of certain
critical files to make sure that you actually have Microsoft Office 97
SR-1 installed on your computer. If the version of any of the files is
less than that used in SR-1, the SR-2 Patch will not install.

This problem may occur if the version of any of the following files is
incorrect for any reason:







The problem may also occur if the registry key that refers to
Mso97.dll refers to the incorrect location for the file.

When you run the SR-2 Patch, it creates a log file on your hard disk.
If the SR-2 Patch fails, the reason for the failure is recorded in
this log file.You can use this information to narrow down the cause of
the problem; this may help reduce the number of steps above that you
need to perform.

Text What Does it Mean?


Excel is Office 97 base. Excel.exe version is incorrect

Word97 is Office 97 base. Winword.exe version is incorrect

Outlook is Office 97 base. Outllib.dll version is incorrect

Access is Office 97 base. Msaccess.exe version is incorrect

PowerPoint is Office 97 base. Powerpnt.exe version is incorrect

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Mso97.dll version is incorrect
Office\Office\MSO97.DLL is on the client machine but is less than sr1

The file <path>\MSO97.DLL does Mso97.dll key in registry refers to not
exist incorrect path

In addition, the following text may appear in the log file when the

Patch fails:

Sr1 is not found in the user's machine

Sr2 patch can not run without sr1 installed


Ken Slovak

Milly Staples

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98
Just for the heck of it, go to the Microsoft download site and request the
free CD patch. It has both SR-1 and SR-2 on it and you don't even pay for
the shipping.
I do some heavy Excel and Access work at home for my job (state worker - no
raise in 4 years and I'm doing volunteer work at home??!!!) For me, it is
worth the time and trouble but not the long downloads.
If you are a Home user and don't use the apps to their fullest, then why
bother except to have the peace of mind knowing you have done everything
possible to keep your programs running properly. Face it, the price is
Just my $.02.
Pam and Jerry Kerschner wrote in message ...
Think I'll wait for Office 2000......

Phil Hodge

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98
Make sure your not running anything including Microsoft Task Bar. I had
similar problem on my first attempt. I would also suggest you shut down
anything you have running in your tray.


Alan Cowen

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98
No it won't.  I have SR1 installed and SR2 still fails saying it can't find SR1 on my system. I even went to the trouble of re-installing Office, then SR1 then SR2 and the same result.
Alan Cowen
Multiuser Solutions
Don Cotton <toomuchjunk@com> wrote in message
You just have to have SR1 installed prior to installing SR2. Then it will install just fine.
Pam and Jerry Kerschner wrote in message ...

Ken Slovak [MVP-Outlook]

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
All new installations like that (or updates) should be run with
nothing but Explorer and Systray running in Task Manager.

For information on problems with the update to Office SR-2, take a
look at this MS KB article, it may help:

You can also get this article by sending an E-mail with a subject of
"Q192816" (without the quotes) to

Also take a look at this MS KB article:

You can also get this article by sending an E-mail with a subject of
"Q151216" (without the quotes) to

Ken Slovak

Rick Campbell

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
There's a later version of SR-1. Welcome to the MS funhouse!!!. Had the same install problems. Checked my, previously downloaded, version of SR-1 with that on the MS site. Lo and behold, the 'new' version was 2MB bigger! Downloaded that, then reinstalled SR-2. No problem.
Rick Campbell
Information Designs
marketing with technology
(760) 776-4056
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