Trisha L. Sebastian
Research Assistant, Brown Harris Stevens
That won't change the addresses it will just return the SMTP address for the
EX address. After the code is run the GAL entries will still be the same.
There is sample code at www.cdolive.com/cdo5.htm for getting the SMTP
address using CDO 1.21, the Redemption Web site has samples for Redemption.
Programming questions should really be asked in
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
"TLSebastian" <TLSeb...@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
(This only works if your EX contacts have the email address embedded in the
DisplayAs field. That is "John Smith (jsm...@abc.com)"
1. Export all your contacts to Excel.
2. In Excel, insert 3 or 4 columns after EmailType field.
3. In one of these inserted columns, extract the email address as text from
the DisplayAs field. Assuming the DisplayAs is stored in cell BH4, I simply
did this:
This will give you just "jsm...@abc.com"
4. In another free column, just do ="smtp:"& bh4
5. Copy this final column and overwrite your EmailAddress column by pasting
values. In other words, overwrite the garbage shown in the EmailAddress
column with proper email addresses with the smtp prefix.
6. Delete any columns you added.
7. Save the file.
8. In Outlook, import the newly created file into your contacts list being
sure to check that you want to overwrite duplicates.
9. This will change the format of all of these contacts to SMTP from EX.
10. The only problem now is that all of the email addresses have "smtp:" in
front of them. But this is easy to fix now because you just export the
contacts to Excel again, but this time the "EmailAddress" field will not
contain garbage.
11. Select the EmailAddress column and do a search and replace (search for
"smtp:" and replace with nothing.
12. Save the file, then import it back into your Outlook contacts
(overwrite duplicates).
13. You are done.
Mine worked perfectly.