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Sections and Information disappear randomly from OneNote Network B

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Jan 2, 2008, 6:15:02 PM1/2/08

We have a OneNote Book that is stored on our network. Three network admins
access it daily. Sometimes, Sections or information that we know has been
entered in the past is missing from our OneNote Notebook, and we have to
restore from backup to get it back. If it was entered that day, then we have
to reenter the information. For example, we have a Section called DNS. A
net admin entered some information and then closed OneNote one half hour
later. He reopened it, saw the section called DNS flash and then disappear.
This whole section is now gone, and we had much information that had been
entered months before! We restored from backup, but lost all changes made
that day.
We have OneNote set to Synch automatically.
Anyone ever have this issue?

Ilya Koulchin

Jan 2, 2008, 7:51:00 PM1/2/08
dstrand wrote:
> We have a OneNote Book that is stored on our network. Three network admins
> access it daily. Sometimes, Sections or information that we know has been
> entered in the past is missing from our OneNote Notebook, and we have to
> restore from backup to get it back. If it was entered that day, then we have
> to reenter the information. For example, we have a Section called DNS. A
> net admin entered some information and then closed OneNote one half hour
> later. He reopened it, saw the section called DNS flash and then disappear.
> This whole section is now gone, and we had much information that had been
> entered months before! We restored from backup, but lost all changes made
> that day.

If you open up the share with Windows explorer, do you see any .tmp
files in your notebooks? If so, rename them back to .one. Does that get
you the data back? If so, that is due to a bug in the interaction
between OneNote and certain NAS devices. You can find more information
in the thread here:
If that describes your case, could you please post the brand and model
of the device that's encountering this problem, as well as the operating
system you're running on the device and the client machines?

If that's not the case, are you using any folder synchronization
technologies on your notebooks, such as Windows Offline Files,
Foldershare, or anything else? Which OS are you using on the client, as
well as the server?



Jan 3, 2008, 10:37:01 AM1/3/08
Thanks for your reply, Ilya. You asked:
Any .tmp files show in the network notebook?
>>>I don't recall seeing any .tmp files in the network folder, but we have since backed up and restored
so they may not be present anymore

If that describes your case, could you please post the brand and model
of the device that's encountering this problem, as well as the operating
system you're running on the device and the client machines?

>>>The server that hosts the notebook has a Dell PowerVault MD1000,
a direct-attached storage enclosure with SATA drives and runs Server 2003 R2
Standard. The clients are Windows XP.

If that's not the case, are you using any folder synchronization
technologies on your notebooks, such as Windows Offline Files,
Foldershare, or anything else?

>>> We use DFS on our network shares, no Offline Files or Foldershare, etc.

Ilya Koulchin

Jan 4, 2008, 11:11:40 PM1/4/08
DFS has caused occasional weirdness in the past, so if you can migrate
your notebooks to non-DFS shares, that may be the simplest solution.
If not, we should try to determine whether optimize is the culprit.
Create a new notebook on the share, open it in OneNote and make some
edits, close all other notebooks, then trigger optimize
(tools->options->save->optimize now). Does that result in any
disappearing sections?
Other than that, have you been able to notice any common pattern to the
disappearances? Maybe embedded files, or a particular notebook/share, or
a particular time, or something else? (just trying to narrow down the
scope of the problem, since if we don't have anything other than "files
disappear occasionally" we won't have very good chances of finding a


Jan 12, 2008, 3:05:02 PM1/12/08

> that is due to a bug in the interaction
> between OneNote and certain NAS devices. You can find more information
> in the thread here:
> If that describes your case, could you please post the brand and model
> of the device that's encountering this problem, as well as the operating
> system you're running on the device and the client machines?

Just FYI, I'm running into this problem too. Here are the details:

NAS: Buffalo Terastation Pro
Client1: Windows XP Home SP2
Client2: Windows XP Media Center Edition SP2

Ken Florian

Feb 21, 2008, 4:45:01 PM2/21/08
This happened to me today for the first time since I started using OneNote
2007 about 6 weeks ago. I have been unable to locate an *.tmp files on my
local driver or the network drive.

I have a couple of notebooks stored on a share on Small Business Server
2007. They are set to synchronize automatically. Only one other person
accesses these files but has not done so for over a week.

The network drive is a regular SCSI drive.

Any insight is appreciated!

Today I spent about 8 hours using one page in one section of a notebook. I
closed Onenote. When I returned later in the day, the section was gone. I
was able to restore from a backup from yesterday but all of today's work is

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