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How do I stop OneNote from inserting PDFs sideways?

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Dec 9, 2009, 11:49:01 AM12/9/09


Dec 9, 2009, 11:52:36 AM12/9/09
How do I stop OneNote from inserting PDFs sideways?

Rainald Taesler

Dec 9, 2009, 3:01:36 PM12/9/09
Rach wrote:

In the future pls be so kind as to ask your questions in the *body* of a
posting (not just in the subject).
And pls avoid double posting.
Thanks in advance.

"John Doe" in this group recently (Oct. 26, Message-ID:
posted this recipe:

I've had the same problem since August, too. Here's the solution: Alter
the "Print" settings in Adobe Reader (can't do this from OneNote).
In Adobe, go to File>Print. Set Name field to "Send to OneNote 2007".
Hit Properties. Select Landscape. Hit "Ok".

In the Page Handling section, the settings I have are: Page Scaling set
to "None". Also "Auto-Rotate and Center" and "Choose Paper Source by PDF
page size" are both unchecked. Hit "Ok", and it should refresh in

That's it.

Three settings are available:
1. Page Scaling (found in File>Print>Page Handling).
2. "Auto-Rotate" check box (same place).
3. Orientation check box (Printer section>Properties).

Apart from that:
Download and install
a) "PrintOutManager"[1]
b) "Rotate [2]

They work great for getting things sorted after printing.


John Guin [ msft ] dot at

Dec 9, 2009, 10:23:50 PM12/9/09
Not sure why they get inserted sideways, but you can rotate the images with
the image rotator at

John Guin
OneNote Test Team

Rainald Taesler

Dec 10, 2009, 12:55:16 PM12/10/09
John Guin [msft] wrote:
> Rach wrote:

>> How do I stop OneNote from inserting PDFs sideways?

> Not sure why they get inserted sideways,

This happens really often. And there were quite some questions on this
However, after all them years, having come about dozens of dozens of
questions on this issue, I could not yet determine under which
circumstances this happens. :-( :-(

Images/PPT-slides/PDFs appearing sideways is the main area for which
your great PowerToy (thanks once more for your good work!!) has to be

And I really cannot understand why this important feature has not been
implemented in the new version {siiiigh}.

Did the developers want leave a market for PowerToys? <g,d&rvf>


Oct 18, 2012, 2:44:04 AM10/18/12
On Thursday, December 10, 2009 12:49:01 AM UTC+8, Rach wrote:

under properties, choose "landscape" before you click print.

Mar 28, 2016, 1:32:41 PM3/28/16
Thank you for posting this -- can't believe there's still not an easy fix for this without having to adjust in Adobe.

Jun 29, 2016, 4:03:44 PM6/29/16
On Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 11:49:01 AM UTC-5, Rach wrote:

Thank You!

Sep 8, 2016, 3:53:44 PM9/8/16
On Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:52:36 AM UTC-6, Rach wrote:
> How do I stop OneNote from inserting PDFs sideways?

--I just had the same question (now it is 2016)

For those interested, here is the answer from a developer who worked on it:

Hi ejlev, I am the developer of Onetastic addin and also a developer in the Microsoft OneNote team.

To explain the situation a bit, when you insert a PDF file into OneNote, you are actually printing it, that is why it is called "File Printout". OneNote does not know anything about the PDF file format (or other files that you are inserting through File Printout command). The way it ends up in OneNote is that OneNote invokes a "print" command on the file which launches the application that is registered for the file format (in this case Adobe Reader) which then prints it to OneNote. The registered application decides which orientation the page should be printed. The result of the printing is a bunch of images in OneNote which we call "printouts".

OneNote has a rotate feature for images, but not for printouts. Printouts work differently then images so the image rotate feature doesn't work on printouts. OneNote has to do something different to handle the case of printouts, which it isn't doing. Why is this feature missing? Well, it was missing in 2010, and I don't know why because I wasn't part of the OneNote team back then. We tried to bring this to 2013 but the issue was a bit complicated and we didn't have enough time to solve it completely and properly. Therefore it was left out. You see when you spend time on one feature, you can't spend that time on another. So you have to prioritize your work and spend your time on the most important things. You may call this as "the MS engineers just get too tired to include this very basic, totally necessary feature", but engineering is a trade off. I wish we had all the necessary features for our customers, but at the same time we have to stop somewhere to be able to ship the software.

After we ended up not doing this for 2013, I decided to write an add-in for this and give it away freely. This was actually how I started working on Onetastic.

One suggestion I can give is, instead of using Insert > File Printout, open the file first and then use Print command in the application (e.g. Adobe) and choose your orientation there. This will do the same insertion, but with the correct orientation.

Let me know if you have further questions. I know that what I tried to explain won't help with your frustration of not having this built-in. Hopefully you like Onetastic.
Omer Atay
OneNote developer
Onetastic - A cool free OneNote add-in:

Joseph Stockman

Aug 16, 2020, 10:05:35 PM8/16/20

This was immensely helpful. Thanks so much.
Message has been deleted

chris karp

Dec 14, 2022, 3:07:24 PM12/14/22
On Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 6:25:37 PM UTC-5, Emily Malczewski wrote:
> On Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 2:52:36 AM UTC+10, Rach wrote:
> > How do I stop OneNote from inserting PDFs sideways?
> Hi Rach,
> I just worked it out.
> 1. If you are printing a PDF from your web browser (I'm using chrome), you click print as normal.
> 2. Then there should be a little drop down menu where it says, 'more settings.' Click on it.
> 3. Scroll down until you can see a little arrow pointing out of a box in the bottom right hand corner of the dialogue box. Open it.
> 4. Select, 'OneNote for Windows 10.'
> 5. Click on Preferences.
> 6. Choose the orientation you would like to print the document in. (Landscape).
> 7. Then hit, 'print.'
> Hope this helps!
> Emily

Eureka!! Convert PDF to a JPG and rotate to your heart's content!

Clayton Hoyt

Feb 23, 2023, 11:05:35 AM2/23/23
If it is a PDF, the best way to this this for me is below. I assume this would work with other file types as well, but have not tested it.

1) Open the document in Adobe Acrobat
2) Select Print > OneNote
3) Change to landscape
4) Print

Jagath Mendis

Mar 4, 2023, 12:41:19 PM3/4/23
this works very well. thanks for sharing...
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