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Why no windows7 newsgroups?

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Peter Flindt

Oct 1, 2009, 10:08:46 AM10/1/09
is there somewhere a blog post, or another site, with a statement from
MS why MS think the users shall use the social. ... for
Windows7 questions and they will not create newsgroups for windows 7?



Oct 1, 2009, 7:51:29 PM10/1/09
Hi, Peter. I have not seen any statement to that effect, but my gut tells me
that the expectation is that people will use the forums. However, we may be
surprised with some newsgroups. The OneCare newsgroups appeared here ages after
the forum went live and nobody has ever owned up to their creation. My contacts
on the OneCare team didn't request them. ;-)

Peter Flindt <> wrote:

Stephen Boots
MVP Windows Live
Windows Live OneCare/Live Mesh/MSE Forums Moderator

Peter Flindt

Oct 2, 2009, 3:09:20 AM10/2/09
StephenB wrote on 02.10.2009 n Message
<> :

> Hi, Peter. I have not seen any statement to that effect, but my gut tells me
> that the expectation is that people will use the forums. However, we may be
> surprised with some newsgroups. The OneCare newsgroups appeared here ages
> after the forum went live and nobody has ever owned up to their creation. My
> contacts on the OneCare team didn't request them. ;-)
> -steve

> Peter Flindt <> wrote:

>> Hello,
>> is there somewhere a blog post, or another site, with a statement from
>> MS why MS think the users shall use the social. ... for
>> Windows7 questions and they will not create newsgroups for windows 7?
>> Peter

So, can you give me at least a email, website or what ever for requests
likee this?
-The general MS support site/suggestion, eerrmmm ooohhh, it's a black
hole, I never get any answer from this site.
-I asked the question at seems to
me this is the wrong place too
-Here or in, I got some help gere, for
e.g. from you :), but I fear that nobody from MS ever read this groups.



Oct 2, 2009, 4:36:21 AM10/2/09
Peter Flindt <> wrote:

I don't know what the process is, but I suspect that it is something driven by
the Program Group for each product within Microsoft. The team that owns the
community platform doesn't create new groups or forums without authorization of
some sort - that is, an owner, perhaps.
I'll see what I can find out, Peter, both on the original question and the
question for how to request a group. And, yes, MS staff generally do not read
the newsgroups and forums. That's "generally" in that there are some areas with
very active Microsoft monitoring and participation.

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