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Problem with inserting a chart in Word

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Oct 1, 2008, 1:53:20 PM10/1/08
Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have a following problem: when trying to insert a chart in Word, I get a message �To insert a chart, you must first any open dialog boxes or cancel editing mode in Microsoft Office Excel�, and after that "Some chart types cannot be combined with other chart types. Select a different chart type." Help please!


Oct 2, 2008, 12:45:03 AM10/2/08
The messages you're reporting usually mean exactly what they say - there is
a file open in Excel and there is either a dialog box open (such as Format>
Cells) and/or the file is in an Edit or Enter mode. Word 2008 relies on
Excel as it's charting tool & can't use that tool if it's already in use.
That's entirely possible without being noticed if Excel or the file is
Hidden or minimized in the Dock.

If you're absolutely certain that there is no Excel file in use make sure OS
X & Office are fully updated, repair disk permissions, then restart your
Mac. If that doesn't resolve it you'll need to provide a thorough
description of exactly how you're attempting to get the chart created as
well as any other details you can provide about the file. Can you create a
chart in a new blank document?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/1/08 1:53 PM, in article 59b5b...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

Oct 2, 2008, 2:54:07 AM10/2/08
Thank you for your answer!

The thing is that Excel is not open at all (it is not minimized in Dock either), and this message I get exactly when trying to insert a chart in a new blank document. In the real document where I need to insert a chart, the Chart Icons seem to be inactive (�pale�), and so do Smart Art Graphics, although I am able to insert Doc Elts, Quick Tables and Word Art. Charts are inactive from the INSERT menu either.
You suggest to repair disk permissions, how do I do that?
By the way, I tried to Google the error message, and it seemed that some people had the same problem (although it wasn�t provided any reasonable solution)
Appriciate your help greatly!

> The messages you're reporting usually mean exactly what they say - there is
> a file open in Excel and there is either a dialog box open (such as Format>
> Cells) and/or the file is in an Edit or Enter mode. Word 2008 relies on
> Excel as it's charting tool & can't use that tool if it's already in use.
> That's entirely possible without being noticed if Excel or the file is
> Hidden or minimized in the Dock.
> If you're absolutely certain that there is no Excel file in use make sure OS
> X & Office are fully updated, repair disk permissions, then restart your
> Mac. If that doesn't resolve it you'll need to provide a thorough
> description of exactly how you're attempting to get the chart created as
> well as any other details you can provide about the file. Can you create a
> chart in a new blank document?
> Regards |:>)
> Bob Jones
> [MVP] Office:Mac
> On 10/1/08 1:53 PM, in article 59b5b...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

> "" wrote:
> > Version: 2008
> > Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
> > Processor: Intel
> >
> > I have a following problem: when trying to insert a chart in Word, I get a

> > message �To insert a chart, you must first any open dialog boxes or cancel
> > editing mode in Microsoft Office Excel�, and after that "Some chart types


Oct 2, 2008, 4:07:31 AM10/2/08
As for the inactive Charts & SmartArt: Take a look at the document's title
bar & I believe you'll see the phrase [Compatibility Mode] following the
file name. That means the doc is in the 97-2004 file format (.doc) which
does not support the new graphic features - and those that are active
(Tables, etc.) employ the older format's graphics engine. Save the file in
the 2007/2008 format (.docx) & the features will be available.

You still haven't indicated your OS X & Office version information which
should be 10.5.5 & 12.1.2, respectively. The updating should be done first
if needed, then use Disk Utility (in the Applications/Utilities folder) -
Repair Disk Permissions and shut down the Mac for a few minutes.

What suggestion did you find that wasn't a "reasonable solution"?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/2/08 2:54 AM, in article 59b5b...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

Oct 2, 2008, 5:58:47 AM10/2/08
Yes, you were absolutely right about the the inactive Charts & SmartArt: I simply had to change the format to docx, and the mentioned icons became active. Thank you! Still, it didn�t change anything about the inserting a chart: First message � To insert a chart, you must first close any open dialog boxes or cancel editing mode in Microsoft Office Excel�, second message, coming immediately after the first, � Some chart types cannot be combined with other chart types. Select a different chart type` :-(

Then I performed the disk repair permissions, as you suggested: Disk Utility (in the Applications/Utilities folder) -Repair Disk Permissions and shut down the Mac for a few minutes.

Unfortunately, it didn�t help either... I still get the same messages.

What suggestion did you find that wasn't a "reasonable solution"?:
oh, here I meant only that when I tried to google the error message, I found out that some other people encounted the same problem, f.ex., here: <>
or here:

but they were not suggested any helpful answers there... Only that...

Thank you for your help!


Oct 2, 2008, 11:54:01 AM10/2/08
I took a look at both of those links... Neither would do any good even if
there were replies because they both pertain to the PC version (2007) of
Office. Even though the behavior is similar the fix won't be the same. I'm
not sure what's causing Excel to give the impression that it's "busy" - this
isn't common on the Mac so we'll have to diagnose a bit further :-)

Does Excel Launch at all when you attempt to create a chart?

What happens - exactly - if you launch Excel directly?

Do you have anything in Excel set to automatically open on launch? Take a
look in Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/Startup/Excel just to be
on the safe side. If there's anything other than PDFMaker.xla move it to the
Desktop or some other folder (while Excel isn't running) & see if that makes
any difference. Let me know what happens.

While holding the Shift key, launch Excel, then go into Word & see if the
same error occurs when you try to insert a chart. Let me know what happens.

Hopefully these results will give some indication of where the problem is -
or at least narrow down the possibilities.

HTH |:>)

Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/2/08 5:58 AM, in article 59b5b...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

Oct 2, 2008, 1:34:38 PM10/2/08
1. Excel does not launch at all when I attempt to insert a chart. I simply gets those error messages.
2. When I lauch Excel directly, the program opens normally, in a Page Layout View, I do not get any messages. If I f.ex. create a chart in Excel, it isn�t possible either to copy and paste it into Word (only if I save it as a picture, I can insert it then as a picture)
3.I checked Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/Startup/Excel. Seems that there�s nothing at all - when you change the position of the row so that it�s pointing down &#9660;, nothing changes. Does it mean there isn�t anything there?
4.While I hold Shift key and open Excel, for the first, all is very slow (you can see it when f.ex. you minimize smth). For the second, in Word I get the same error messages, while in Excel if I want, f.ex., copy the existing chart, this function is inactive. If I do not hold Shift, Copy-function is active, but again, impossible to paste into Word.

Thanks for your time!


Oct 3, 2008, 10:29:57 AM10/3/08
See in line below;

On 10/2/08 1:34 PM, in article 59b5b...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,
"" <> wrote:

> 1. Excel does not launch at all when I attempt to insert a chart. I simply
> gets those error messages.


> 2. When I lauch Excel directly, the program opens normally, in a Page Layout
> View, I do not get any messages. If I f.ex. create a chart in Excel, it isn�t
> possible either to copy and paste it into Word (only if I save it as a
> picture, I can insert it then as a picture)

This points us in a different direction - I'll come back to this later - but
don't try copy/paste. Just launch Excel & let it be. Then switch to Word &
click the button to insert a chart - same method as you originally reported
having a problem with. See what happens.

> 3.I checked Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/Startup/Excel. Seems
> that there�s nothing at all - when you change the position of the row so that
> it�s pointing down &#9660;, nothing changes. Does it mean there isn�t anything
> there?

OK - Good, that's what it should be... Empty :-)

> 4.While I hold Shift key and open Excel, for the first, all is very slow (you
> can see it when f.ex. you minimize smth).

Yes, it's called starting in Safe Mode & bypasses any add-ins or utility
apps, so it takes a little longer to load.

> For the second, in Word I get the
> same error messages, while in Excel if I want, f.ex., copy the existing chart,
> this function is inactive. If I do not hold Shift, Copy-function is active,
> but again, impossible to paste into Word.

Let's get away from the copy/paste issue & concentrate on one thing at a
time. Fixing the one may very well correct the other :-) Just switch to Word
& use the same insert chart method to see if it makes any difference.

> Thanks for your time!
> W

These sound like problems that were addressed in prior updates. I'd still
like to know what your specific OS X version is, and depending on what
happens as a result of the above there are a couple of things to try.

Regards |:>)

Oct 3, 2008, 3:48:41 PM10/3/08
My MAC version is OS 10.5 (Leopard). Office pack 2008.

Sorry if I made it unclear in prevoius passage, I did try it first to simply click on �insert a chart` thing and got only those error messages (only after that I made an attempt to use the copy/paste function)...

Now I tried it again - opened Word, then opened Excel, returned to Word, clicked on �insert chart�(holding Shift, and then without Shift) - always the same - 2 error messages :(

Oct 3, 2008, 3:49:35 PM10/3/08


Oct 3, 2008, 5:53:10 PM10/3/08
The version info you're supplying still is not *specific*... Both OS X &
Office have gone through several revisions since they were introduced. The
exact versions are significant facts in troubleshooting and consist of 3
sets of digits. I get the impression that your installation of one or the
other (perhaps both) are not updated.

The current version of OS X (Leopard) is 10.5.5, 12.1.2 for Office 2008.

Use the OS X Leopard 10.5.5 Combo Update available here - even if you're
already at 10.5.5 - then repair permissions:

Then launch Word, go to Help> Check for Updates & have it bring you up to
date on Office. [If you don't already have it set for Automatic Updates I'd
suggest you do so while there - weekly or monthly is sufficient.] Repair
permissions & restart once you do.

HTH |:>)

Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/3/08 3:48 PM, in article 59b5b...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

Oct 6, 2008, 8:46:50 AM10/6/08
Hello again dear CyberTaz,

Sorry for I didn´t describe my versions more specifically.
Yes, the Leopard version was OS X 10.5.5. Anyway, I installed OS X Leopard 10.5.5 Combo Update following the link you provided. Then I did *repair permissions*. Then I restarted my Mac. And then I updated Word (I wasn´t sure about the exact version), as you suggested. Restared Mac.

Nothing changes :( I get the same evil messages in Word...


Oct 8, 2008, 6:08:14 AM10/8/08
Well, I'm running out of ideas :-( but we're not licked yet.

While no programs are running log out then hold down the Shift key while
logging in. This bypasses processes that may be causing interference but it
may take an extra moment to complete the login. Then launch Word and attempt
to insert a chart in a new blank document.

You can also try from a different User Account. If you don't already have
one create a non-admin account. It's easy enough to do in System
Preferences> Accounts - see Mac Help if necessary. Log in as that user then
try getting a chart made.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/6/08 8:46 AM, in article 59b5b...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

0 new messages