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Resizing Embedded Excel Worksheets in Word X.

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T Farrell

Feb 11, 2003, 7:29:34 PM2/11/03
I have embedded excel spreadsheets in a word document. I want to edit
the spreadsheet to insert an extra row. When I do this (by double clicking
to bring up excel, inserting the row and closing) - the view of the spead
sheet in word does not expand to show the extra row. Any attempt to
expand the embedded object using the object frame just scales the
existing view.

The embedded spreadsheet was inserted by selecting and copying in excel
and then using "past special" in word ("paste" checkbox rather then
"paste link") and pasting it as an "MS Excel Worksheet Object". The
effect is repeatable in the new document.

In Office 97, this can be done since the editing is in place and you can
expand the viewed area.

If I instead insert the object linked to the original document rather then
embedded, then I can edit the field code to change the displayed area -
but for embedded objects this information does not seem to be accessible
(the field code is just "EMBED Excel.Sheet.8..").

Other then removing the spreadsheets to an external workbook and
linking back to them, is there any way around this.

The version stuff - Office X for Mac SR1, MacOSX Version 10.2.3


John McGhie [MVP]

Feb 13, 2003, 6:43:10 AM2/13/03
Hi Terry:

I have not got Excel here at the moment to try, so do this for me:

1) Use Format>Object>Size to set the Size to 100 per cent. Does that fix

2) Double-click the object, add and remove a space from one of the cells,
then close it. Did that fix it?

3) The object is actually encased in a Text Box. There are two frames: one
for the object, the other for the text box.

If you click, then click again, slowly, the selection rectangle will
slightly change its appearance. When that happens, try dragging again.
It's damned difficult to get this to work: the first click selects the
object, the second click selects the frame. In Word X, it's nearly
impossible to see the difference.

Hope this helps

This responds to article <>,
from "T Farrell" <> on 11/2/03 4:29 PM:

All Spam and attachments blocked by Microsoft Entourage for Mac OS X. Please
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John McGhie, Microsoft MVP: Word for Macintosh and Word for Windows
Consultant Technical Writer <>
+61 4 1209 1410; Sydney, Australia: GMT + 10 hrs

T Farrell

Feb 16, 2003, 10:16:55 PM2/16/03
"John McGhie [MVP]" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Hi Terry:
> I have not got Excel here at the moment to try, so do this for me:
> 1) Use Format>Object>Size to set the Size to 100 per cent. Does that fix
> it?

No - it was already at 100%. It appears that any change to the size
here just scales the object.

> 2) Double-click the object, add and remove a space from one of the cells,
> then close it. Did that fix it?


> 3) The object is actually encased in a Text Box. There are two frames: one
> for the object, the other for the text box.
> If you click, then click again, slowly, the selection rectangle will
> slightly change its appearance. When that happens, try dragging again.
> It's damned difficult to get this to work: the first click selects the
> object, the second click selects the frame. In Word X, it's nearly
> impossible to see the difference.

Afraid not - I don't see the change you mention. When clicking slowly
the second time it seems to move into a "drag" mode. The "Picture"
tool bar - which I think should change to
"Format Text Box" mode if I end up in a text box, does not change.

> Hope this helps

Thanks for the attempt.

Jim Gordon

Feb 17, 2003, 8:00:25 PM2/17/03

In place editing is not quite the same in Mac and Windows versions. You may
have to save the Excel workbook after increasing the number of columns, then
delete the embedded workbook from Word and re-embed the now larger workbook.

-Jim Gordon

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In article <>,

Jun 13, 2020, 4:50:36 PM6/13/20
12 Şubat 2003 Çarşamba 03:29:34 UTC+3 tarihinde T Farrell yazdı:
I have the same problem. I am trying to solve the problem and I cannot. The only solution is the one that you mention reopen an excel file and reselect copy and paste the object again. You need to be able to resize the number of cells that the object shows.
Sadly it was possible in my windows laptop. Now in Mac it is not possible.
Any ideas?

Chad B

Aug 4, 2022, 12:09:00 PM8/4/22
I am on the latest and greatest Microsoft Word M365 (Desktop Windows - Version 2206 Build 16.0.15330.20260; 64-bit). I still cannot solve the mystery of expanding the viewable portion of the embedded Excel worksheet. There HAS to be a more advanced user control to adjust via field codes or something. I would think complaints about this issue would be much more common, but maybe everybody out there just gives up, deletes the table, and re-attaches it based on the new selected data? Thank you!
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