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Mouse wheel does not scroll preview reading pane

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Jan 17, 2008, 7:08:00 PM1/17/08
Hi, I'm having a problem with Entourage 2008 that I think is a bug. I have the Logitech MX Revolution mouse and it has a scroll wheel on it. This performs the same as the scroll wheel on Apple's Mighty Mouse.

The issue is when I am reading a long email that has complex HTML in it, the mouse scroll wheel does not reliably scroll the message down when the message is in the right-hand preview/reading pane. The weird thing is, it's spotty -- sometimes it scrolls, then other times it doesn't: if you get it working scrolling down, then try to scroll up, it doesn't work.

Scrolling works fine in all other applications (well I haven't tried other office applications yet, but at least in all non-MS applications it works perfectly), and it also works perfectly in the middle pane that displays the list of messages.

Note: I know to click the message itself to make sure the "focus" is on the reading pane. I've done that. But still there's this problem.

I rely on the mouse wheel entirely to scroll while reading. (Note: the scroll arrows in the far right work flawlessly near as I can tell, it's just the mouse wheel that doesn't work.)

Any ideas? I suspect this is a bug, hopefully someone can report it and investigate.


Jan 19, 2008, 10:22:46 AM1/19/08

Hi, I'm having the exact same problem. Still looking for a solution.
It does have to be a bug. This is very frustrating. I'm using a wired
Apple Mighty Mouse. If I find one I will post again. Sorry, I feel
your pain...

Jan 24, 2008, 11:08:20 PM1/24/08
This happens with any kind of scrolling - either with a scroll wheel, squirrel ball, or two-fingered scrolling. It's only in the preview pane and not when the message is in its own window. It also only happens for me when there is html with pictures. Make sure to give bug feedback to M$oft.

Jan 25, 2008, 5:22:34 PM1/25/08
YES, I've confirmed that, too, on my MacBook Pro -- the two-fingered touchpad scrolling also has problems. And YES, it's on complex HTML emails that I've had the problem (although I cannot say 100% for sure it doesn't happen on others, but I've only noticed the scrolling problem on those messages).

I have had this happen on multiple machines, all running Leopard 10.5.1, but it seems from your message that Tiger (10.4.11) has it, too, so my guess is this bug is solidly within Entourage.

It's annoying -- it really slows down reading to have to keep bopping my cursor over to the scroll bar -- but hopefully an easy bug for MSFT to fix?

How do we go about reporting bugs? I only see a "Send Feedback" button which does not list an option for "REPORT BUGS".

Is there an email address or some way we're supposed to officially report bugs? Or can someone from Microsoft acknowledge receiving this on this forum and that it's in the bug database for review (and hopefully fixing)??


Jan 26, 2008, 10:45:21 AM1/26/08
On Jan 25, 3:22 pm, wrote:

Let me add my vote as an additional user with the scroll wheel
problem. I am really surprised at the number of issues which should
have been identified in beta. It is almost as the sample had the same
hardware set, minimal users and the development team had no authority
to improve the product.

I am actually thinking of going back to office 2004. On a MacPro I am
not sure I see an actual benefit in speed and or performance of the
Universal code to the Power PC only code. If I did not need to use
exchange, which does not seem to work in Apple mail, I would abandon
this software and consider working with iWorks exclusively.

Hui Nee Chin

Feb 13, 2008, 2:55:02 PM2/13/08

We've received reports about this problem and we're working on it. Thank

Hui Nee Chin - huchinATmicrosoftDOTcom
Microsoft Entourage Test
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

On 1/26/08 7:45 AM, in article,

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