> I need to find a way to import or convert the .ost file into the
> Entourage 2008 program so i can have access to all of my older, saved
> email messages that I filed into my many off-line storage folders in
> Outlook. Can anyone help me with this issue? I really don't want to
> have to use Outlook on my bootcamp partition for my older email and
> Entourage on my Mac OS for my newer stuff; surely these have to be
> compatible since both are MS products, yes? Thanks!
You can find a lot of information on that right there:
That's pretty much the idea.
> On Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:26 PM scampanil wrote:
> Version: 2008
> Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
> Processor: Intel
> Email Client: Exchange
> I have recently changed platforms from PC to Macbook Pro, and our office email is from an Exchange server and Entourage is required for me to get my email. In Outlook 2007, I stored files online and offline; online files were backed up into a .pst file and the offline folders into a .ost file. I need to find a way to import or convert the .ost file into the Entourage 2008 program so i can have access to all of my older, saved email messages that I filed into my many off-line storage folders in Outlook. Can anyone help me with this issue? I really do not want to have to use Outlook on my bootcamp partition for my older email and Entourage on my Mac OS for my newer stuff; surely these have to be compatible since both are MS products, yes? Thanks!
>>> On Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:30 PM scampanil wrote:
>>> Thank you for that link. If I am understanding this correctly, and forgive me as I am a lifetime PC user just converting over to Mac, I will need to convert the .ost file into a .pst file, then use a program like Emailchemy to convert that .pst file into a different type of file that can be imported into Entourage 2008? Again, many thanks for taking a few minutes to help me out!
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If you are trying the DEMO version of Outlook 2010 Convert OST to PST FREE download software.
Thanks & Regards
Lan Marthin
> On Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:26 PM scampanil wrote:
> Version: 2008
> Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
> Processor: Intel
> Email Client: Exchange
> I have recently changed platforms from PC to Macbook Pro, and our office email is from an Exchange server and Entourage is required for me to get my email. In Outlook 2007, I stored files online and offline; online files were backed up into a .pst file and the offline folders into a .ost file. I need to find a way to import or convert the .ost file into the Entourage 2008 program so i can have access to all of my older, saved email messages that I filed into my many off-line storage folders in Outlook. Can anyone help me with this issue? I really do not want to have to use Outlook on my bootcamp partition for my older email and Entourage on my Mac OS for my newer stuff; surely these have to be compatible since both are MS products, yes? Thanks!
>> On Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:33 PM Corentin_Cras-M?neur wrote:
>> On 2010-05-20 15:26:52 -0400, scamp...@officeformac.com said:
>> You can find a lot of information on that right there:
>> http://www.entourage.mvps.org/import_export/pst.html
>> Corentin
>>> On Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:30 PM scampanil wrote:
>>> Thank you for that link. If I am understanding this correctly, and forgive me as I am a lifetime PC user just converting over to Mac, I will need to convert the .ost file into a .pst file, then use a program like Emailchemy to convert that .pst file into a different type of file that can be imported into Entourage 2008? Again, many thanks for taking a few minutes to help me out!
>>>> On Monday, May 24, 2010 1:53 PM Corentin_Cras-M?neur wrote:
>>>> On 2010-05-20 18:30:47 -0400, scamp...@officeformac.com said:
>>>> That's pretty much the idea.
>>>> Corentin
>>>>> On Thursday, October 14, 2010 4:39 AM Jim Chou wrote:
>>>>> In your case, you may use Advanced Exchange Recovery where you can find in http://www.datanumen.com/aexr/
>>>>> It can convert ost 2 pst so you can use a program like Emailchemy to convert that .pst file into a different type of file that can be imported into Entourage 2008.
>>>>> I'm using it, you may have a try.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jim
>>>>> [url=http://www.google.com.hk/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=783&q=aexr&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=]AEXR[/url]
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