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Delete Old Database in Entourage 2008?

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Jul 16, 2009, 12:51:49 PM7/16/09
Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I upgraded from 2004 to 2008 recently and when I run Entourage, it seems to suck up all my free disk space. (had plenty before upgrading and nothing is changed in my usage)

I used Omni Disksweeper to try and find the issue and under Microsoft User Data > Office 2008 Identities > Main Identity there are three databases:

Database 20.6 GB
Old Database 14.6 GB
Database (Rebuild) 20.1 MB

Can I delete the Old Database? It's taking up 14.6 GB and I'm not sure it needed ... thoughts?

Thanks for your guidance!


Diane Ross

Jul 16, 2009, 3:26:08 PM7/16/09
On 7/16/09 9:51 AM, in article 59b78...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,
"" <> wrote:

> I used Omni Disksweeper to try and find the issue and under Microsoft User
> Data > Office 2008 Identities > Main Identity there are three databases:
> Database 20.6 GB
> Old Database 14.6 GB

Database (Rebuild) 20.1 MB <----this is totally whack! Did you mean GB??

> Can I delete the Old Database? It's taking up 14.6 GB and I'm not sure it
> needed ... thoughts?

You can delete the older database files, but I'm suspicious that your
database went from 14.6 GB to 20.6 GB. Do this for me.

1) Open Entourage
2) Under File --> Export, select the default action export as Entourage
archive (.rge) file all items.
3) If the file fails to complete your database has corruption. If it
completes, compare the size of the .rge file to the database file. The
difference is wasted space.

Post the size of the .rge for me.


Jul 16, 2009, 3:54:20 PM7/16/09
No, that was 20.1 MB ... I think it was an even older 2001 version or something. Anyways, killed it.

I tried exporting and it was unable to complete due to some error ... it suggested running the DB utility ... should I do that?

Thanks for your help, Diane!


> On 7/16/09 9:51 AM, in article 59b78...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

> "" wrote:
> > I used Omni Disksweeper to try and find the issue and under Microsoft User
> > Data > Office 2008 Identities > Main Identity there are three databases:
> >
> > Database 20.6 GB
> > Old Database 14.6 GB
> Database (Rebuild) 20.1 MB >
> > Can I delete the Old Database? It's taking up 14.6 GB and I'm not sure it
> > needed ... thoughts?

Diane Ross

Jul 16, 2009, 6:47:19 PM7/16/09
On 7/16/09 12:54 PM, in article 59b78...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,
"" <> wrote:

> I tried exporting and it was unable to complete due to some error ... it
> suggested running the DB utility ... should I do that?

No. The rebuild could be a partial fix and if your data is important take
this time to really clean it up. I've had databases that would rebuild, but
then crash repeatedly. All the rebuild did was offer the opportunity to get
the data out.

Because you have corruption, I suggest working off a copy. This way if the
database decides to die during the exporting of data, you can always go back
and make a copy of your Identity that opens.

When all items as .rge fail, try selecting all items BUT messages. If these
export OK, then we work on getting out your messages. If it fails, then do
one item at a time. Usually it's messages that are corrupt, but other items
like contacts, events etc can be the source of corruption.

When messages fail to export as .rge file, use the export as MBOX script.

Export folders as MBOX files (includes subfolders)

I suggest creating a view in the Finder using column view where you have the
Desktop selected so you can see the MBOX files being created. You have a
huge database so this is going to take some time. The script will create a
folder called Entourage archives. When you click on this folder you'll see
the MBOX files being created.

The script will fail on the folder with corruption. I suggest deleting the
contents of Deleted Items folder and junk folder before running the script.

Once you identify the folder that has corruption, you will need to move
messages into subfolders to further drill down to the corruption. For
example if it's your Inbox, you could create a subfolder and name it Inbox
101. Drag half the messages into the subfolder. Drag the subfolder to the
desktop. If it will drag then the messages are OK. If not, then you continue
dividing the messages until you get them all out as MBOX files. Always name
the subfolder starting with the folder they were located in like Inbox 101,
Inbox 102 or Inbox A, Inbox B....It's easy to merge these subfolders in a
new Identity if name contains the folder where they belong.

As a consultant I recover databases all the time. It's sometimes a long
tedious process, but if you have patience you can get everything out. See
How to manually move your data for details and tips:



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