> I can't believe, after all this time, there's no Tasks syncing.
With the new To Do flagging system you'll be able to assign
start/due dates to mail (and contacts) and they will sync to Exchange.
Since many "tasks" are based on e-mails that need action, Entourage 2008's
To Do sync is a way to get around this problem.
Diane, Microsoft Mac MVP (MVPs are not Microsoft Employees)
Entourage Help Page <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
On 1/16/08 7:21 PM, in article
C3B4099D.EA9A%di...@invalid.entourage.mvps.org, "Diane Ross"
Please be sure to let Microsoft know you'd like to see task syncing in
future versions by using the Help --> Send Feedback mechanism in any
Office application. The more noise the better!
William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
My Day is USELESS without exchange server support to most, if not all
On 1/17/08 10:32 AM, in article
On 17/01/08 19:56, in article ee888...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,
"Frustrated!!!" <Frustrated!!!> wrote:
Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)
*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***
You should keep an eye on MacMojo, the official company blog. In the mean time, click on Send Feedback o Entourage inside Entourage's help menu to send Microsoft your feedback.
-- Michel Bintener Microsoft MVP
> Serious question...is this because you're the Macintosh Business Unit at
> Microsoft? Are you guys just not taken seriously and appropriately
> prioritized within the company for obvious reasons? Or is this just another
> massive oversight?
I think it's that MSFT does not want a fully working Mac client for exchange
servers since that might translate to users running screaming from Windows
Vista, thus impacting MSTF sales figures.
Bart: This is the worst day of my life.
Homer: This is the worst day of your life SO FAR.
What is the Entourage "suite"?
> This is ludicrous that they still haven't done anything to correct a
> problem that every single Entourage User has been pining for almost a
> half a decade.
And that problem would be....???
Lotus Notes has been out for the Mac for years.
> I also rushed out to buy Office 2008 with what I thought would be a safe
> assumption of having categories and task synchronisation. <br><br>I cannot
> believe that Microsoft have left this obvious but important functionality
> out. If you read this Microsoft, then I for one suggest you add this
> functionality in on the next update. If you do not, I can only see the
> decision as a stealth tactic to stop users being able to use exchange fully
> on a mac. OWA doesn't work brilliantly either as its designed for IE and not
> firefox or Safari. <br><br>Sort your act out after you've relieved me of a
> few hundred pounds.
Venting here does absolutely no good - this is a peer-to-peer newsgroup.
Send feedback via Help/Send Feedback on Entourage if you want MacBU to
hear you.
> Microsoft, <br><br>Please outsource your Macintosh Business Unit projects to
> Apple. I trust Steve Jobs & Co. will get the projects finished properly
> and quickly. <br><br>I love my Mac (and everything Apple) because it just
> works. I wish I could say the same for MS Entourage. <br><br>I'm not kidding
> about having Apple take on this task. Have them rebuild Entourage from the
> ground up to include, at minimum, all of the features and functionality of
> Outlook with BCM. <br><br>I know you have been taking a lot of heat from
> Entourage users. My intent is not to simply add fuel to the fire. I just
> want Entourage and Exchange to work for me. <br><br>Thank you and best
> regards, <br><br>Steve Kane
Since you posted in a peer-to-peer newsgroup, your rant, justified as it
may be, won't affect anything. To get the message to Microsoft, send
feedback via Help/Send Feedback on Entourage...
It SHOULD make a difference! I was just at MacWorld and Andy Ruff
(who has posted numerous times here) works for and spoke for the
Microsoft BU at the Office 2008 session.
(refer to Sessions 7 and 8 which he was the lead speaker for...)
If he is on a Windows machine he can simply hit Ctrl-P and print this
forum out to show his colleagues (Command-P for a Mac btw). I am SURE
this is not the first time Andy or anyone else from the Mac BU has
heard about the 3 biggest topics I have seen in forum after
forum...and for all the slow people here they are again!
1. Task synchronization with exchange
2. Category synchronization with exchange
3. RPC over HTTP support
Just because this is a peer-to-peer forum doesn't mean important
people that CAN ACTUALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE aren't reading it!
It was hilarious seeing everyone get frustrated that this wasn't
included in 2008 during that class at MacWorld, and it was
specifically asked by the audience, so they have heard it for
sure....again....we all know you aren't sitting around there and doing
nothing, but these features have been ranted about for 4 years now, so
one would assume they were somewhat near the top of the list...maybe
you need a new polling audience .
Hopefully Office 2012 will have these basic features added...
> 3. RPC over HTTP support
Entourage is not a MAPI client and having RPC over HTTP wouldn't make much
sense in it's case.
What you probably want is to access your Exchange mailbox over HTTP and it
is supported in Entourage 2008 (and 2004 as well).
For details please see
Hope this helps,
Jacek Suliga
> It SHOULD make a difference!
Should ... shouldn't ... what's more relevant is "does". Since you were
at Day at the Office, you also heard a number of presenters say to
submit feedback (I was there in the front row...)
> Just because this is a peer-to-peer forum doesn't mean important
> people that CAN ACTUALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE aren't reading it!
Of course it doesn't. But you certainly shouldn't RELY on it being read
by those that need to see it. I suspect a LOT more of the MacBU folks
are reading the groups right now than usual, in fact. But they can't and
won't read every message. Nor is Andy likely to print off very many ng
posts to show his colleagues - that's not very efficient, nor is it a
very productive use of a program manager's time.
OTOH, every Help/Feedback... submission *does* get logged and routed to
the appropriate management. More importantly, it is tabulated for
marketing and product development, which are ultimately the drivers for
which features are included in Office (it might be nice if excellent and
dedicated developers like Andy and his team could be given free rein
with unlimited resources, but that's not usually how things work).
So by all means, post here, but to be more effective, also use Help/Send
> we all know you aren't sitting around there and doing nothing, but
> these features have been ranted about for 4 years now, so one would
> assume they were somewhat near the top of the list...maybe you need a
> new polling audience
I think you've gotten me confused with an MS employee...
> I'd like to reiterate that after establishing recurring tasks in Entourage
> 2008, setting sync services to sync events and tasks with iCal, the recurring
> nature of the tasks disappears. <br><br>
The bug has been submitted before, but use Help/Send Feedback to let
MacBU know that it's important to fix
> I'd like to see v12.0.1 of Entourage to work like Outlook.
> Archiving, .pst's, sync conduits, and the like are essential to
> business execs.
Send feedback on that, too, but I certainly hope that the 12.0.1 update
isn't delayed for all those items...
I know MS put a lot of work into Entourage 2008 and I don't doubt that
a lot of these new features are of value to many users, but it seems
the biggest concern and issue is the subject of this thread is:
synchronizing, specifically contacts, calendar items, tasks, notes and
categories. Sync Services, while under 2004, does work, but there was
a lot of Entourage contact fields that never made it over to the the
Sync Services database (at least that's what I have been seeing when I
turn Sync Services on for Contacts). Third party tools like e2Sync
smoothed things out a lot in keeping things synced up between
Entourage and the Apple PIM tools.
But it appears it's not that smooth when using Entourage 2008 and Sync
Services. I could see that being an issue with Leopard, as iSync has
been changed. But if under Tiger, using Entourage 2004 worked (even
with the field sync issues I mentioned above), then it should work
just as well with Entourage 2008, at least that's one of the
assumptions that people had when upgrading.
Personally, while it's nice that Sync Services is supported, I would
much rather see MS re-write the Entourage conduit for HotSync that was
available for Entourage 2004. I currently use this on my main
machine. I understand there are third party solutions out there, but
in all honesty, the Entourage conduit was the most reliable way to
sync to a Palm. I'm not sure how many Palm/Treo users there are there
at MacBU, but I would hope there was at least one that worked on the
Entourage team that tried to sync their Palm/Treo.
I hope what I've said is taken as a Treo user that wants to make sure
I can sync data when I install the Office 2008 upgrade, as well as
echoing the voices of other Palm users that have already run into sync
- Marty
> Personally, while it's nice that Sync Services is supported, I would
> much rather see MS re-write the Entourage conduit for HotSync that was
> available for Entourage 2004. I currently use this on my main
> machine. I understand there are third party solutions out there, but
> in all honesty, the Entourage conduit was the most reliable way to
> sync to a Palm. I'm not sure how many Palm/Treo users there are there
> at MacBU, but I would hope there was at least one that worked on the
> Entourage team that tried to sync their Palm/Treo.
> I hope what I've said is taken as a Treo user that wants to make sure
> I can sync data when I install the Office 2008 upgrade, as well as
> echoing the voices of other Palm users that have already run into sync
> issues.
We didn't take this decision lightly. The HotSync manager hasn't been
updated in years and updating our conduit for 2008 was a very expensive
task. In general, we decided that we believed the direction on the Mac was
towards all device sync unifying around Sync Services, so we put our efforts
into that.
There are some shortcomings, such as category sync, that we are certainly
aware of. We are talking with Apple about these and hope to provide better
support through Sync Services in the future.