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IEAK 8 Setup Questions

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Linn Kubler

Mar 30, 2010, 5:09:39 PM3/30/10

I just received a handful of new computers, all loaded with Windows XP Pro
sp3 as I requested. They are also setup with IE8. I noticed that when a
new user logs in they are greeted by a welcome screen that prompts them
through a number of questions that frankly I don't know what they mean, so
how are my users to know what to do?

So, I thought to myself, maybe if I get the IEAK for 8 I can hard code the
responses so that my users aren't pestered. I downloaded IEAK8 and went
through the setup and created an installation file which seems to work with
two minor problems. The first is that it still prompts new users to setup
accellerators and download updates and what-not and second is that even
though I added Google as my search provider it still leaves Bing in the
list. So what am I doing wrong?

How can I setup the system so that when new users create their profiles they
don't have to wade through these questions and make it so Google is my only
search provider? I did this with IE 7 and everything worked as I'd hoped
but I'm using the same computer I used to configure that except I've
upgraded it to IE 8 already. Don't know how to get back to see what I did
for IE 7.

Thanks in advance,

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