Are there any query tools I can use on Windows 2000 Professional
to query an IS catalog?
I find "My Computer / Manage / Services and Applications /
Indexing service / catalog / Query the catalog" somewhat clumsy.
Is there any way to make a shortcut to this query form?
I'm not running a web server, I just want to search for
documents on my own laptop. "Start / Search / For files or
folders" doesn't seem to actually use the IS catalog (it's
painfully slow).
René Pijlman
Wat wil jij leren?
As for a shortcut to the query form, here are 3 options:
Option1. Type this command in the Start > Run box: ciadv.msc
Option 2. Click on an icon after you create this shortcut to the Indexing Service
Console: C:\WINNT\system32\ciadv.msc
Option 3. Create a customized Microsoft Management Console that shows only the "Query
the Catalog" page and the Main Menu Bar. Then use your usual method for accessing
frequently used programs, like creating a shortcut to it on your Desktop or Start
Menu. (Note: You can customize ciadv.msc by opening it in "Author" mode; however,
IMO it is best to leave it "as is" for use in administering the Indexing Service):
1. Click Start, click Run, type "ciadv.msc /a" (without the quotes) and click OK
2. Expand the console tree as necessary to get to the "Query the Catalog" page
3. Right-click "Query the Catalog" and click "New Window from Here"
4. Click the "Show/Hide Console Tree/Favorites" button to hide the console tree
5. Click the View menu, click Customize, and uncheck "Standard menus..." and
"Standard toolbar"
6. Now "Save As" your custom console, clicking "Yes" when as asked if you want to
...display a single window interface...
"Rene Pijlman" <reage...@de.nieuwsgroep> wrote in message
Ah, I see, thanks. And for some reason this occurs frequently.
Perhaps when I update a file and Index Server is paused because
it has detected "user is active". But even when I've set
indexing to "instant" IS remains in state "active" for quite
some time, perhaps because its running with a lower priority.
Funny tool this IS :-)
René Pijlman
This is great, just what I was looking for! Thanks Carrie.
René Pijlman
Then restart IS.
"Rene Pijlman" <repl...@the.newsgroup> wrote in message
Thanks. I've done this on Win2K Pro.
But still, when I change a word document somewhere in a
catalogued directory, the search for files or folders screen
says: "Index service is currently building an index of files..."
for 20 seconds or so. And during this time any search results in
a slow full disk scan.
Is this the normal behaviour of IS?
René Pijlman
"Rene Pijlman" <repl...@the.newsgroup> wrote in message
I expect an end user search tool to work all the time, even if
it happens to be busy parsing a new document in the background.
René Pijlman