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Wordpress/Php and Output Cache - different URL requests return same page?

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Apr 1, 2009, 6:50:59 PM4/1/09
I am having a serious issue with IIS7 and Output Cache. The issue
is that any request to my websites returns the homepage. For
example. A request to
will return the homepage of instead of the intended
post page.

Behavior: Seems to happen randomly, to different wordpress sites.
It will also fix itself after a few minutes, but the problem will
resurface anywhere from once to several times an hour.

The experience for the user is that they click on any link or request
any link to my site and they get the homepage html, despite the URL in
the address window clearly changing.

User-mode caching, set to 2:00 minutes. Vary by querystring set to
"*" (I optionally tried setting this to ".*" but problem still

Win2k8 / IIS7
PhP 5.2.9
Latest fast-cgi windows binary (thread unsafe version)
Wordpress 2.7.1

Ive tried everything I can think of to isolate or further troubleshoot
this issue to no avail. Ive redownloaded the php binaries, tried
various setting changes in application host file, php.ini, tweaking
maxRequests and other settings, and the problem persists.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? What am i missing here?

Apr 1, 2009, 8:47:13 PM4/1/09
Just a quick follow-up here. I am convinced (perhaps my problem?)
that this is related to the combination of UrlRewriting and Output
Cache, specifically for "pretty permalink" functionality in Wordpress.

Is output caching working before the friendly url is converted back to
a querystring? Related searches turned up nothing. echoing the
querystring on a wordpress site returns nothing as I drill down into a
wordpress site, leading me to believe that the behavior im seeing is
when a file gets cached, IIS only sees the homepage index.php file and
returns that once traffic gets high enough to trigger caching.

Apr 7, 2009, 12:15:13 PM4/7/09
No one? Im the only person on the planet using wordpress with IIS7
and output caching? Where's that Bill guy that gushed about this
setup and its performance?

Im going back to apache. Screw this.

Mar 4, 2014, 3:23:07 PM3/4/14
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