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Replacement for Microsoft Expression?

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Apr 15, 2013, 6:47:28 PM4/15/13
I have Expression Web (an older version) and I see that MS is not
developing Expression Web anymore. I was going to upgrade to
Expression Web 4, but, from the site, I see it is in it's end of life
cycle. What is the replacement for Expression Web? One that and edit
and maintain sites developed with Expression Web without major
modifications to the sites.

Thanks for any insights and pointers


Apr 16, 2013, 3:49:02 AM4/16/13
to laid this down on his screen :
Expression Web 4. It does everything you could wish for websites using current standards, and there is no reason to stop using the program.
EW4 is now free - another reason to upgrade.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)
Microsoft is closing this newsgroup - for details of why and where to go see


May 26, 2013, 11:02:22 AM5/26/13

"Ronx" <> skrev i meddelelsen
Stop telling lies. Microsoft has no control over this newsgroup
which belongs to news.eternal-september.



May 26, 2013, 12:15:23 PM5/26/13

<> skrev i meddelelsen
If you have installed Expression Web 2, then stick with it. Enthough
Expression Web 4 is free, it is still full of bugs. Included the latest
on ms download site. If you upgrade, then at least take a copy of your
website before loading it into EW4 and edit. For example, when using the
css report on the tools menu, it reports a huge bunch of unused styles. If
you follow this report up by deleting those reported unused styles, then
you ruin your website. There's a lot more errors in it.
The ms team couldn't make it right, that's why microsoft gave it up ignoring
the damages this program can do to the innocent people using it. Experienced
website developers can use it, as they can't be fooled to think that half of
css styles is unused. ...And more of that kind.
In short; be carefull using it.

And those MVPs.
He wants you to go to
Don't ask there. For years a bunch of regulars there have harassed OPs
Regulars most of which are persons faughting for stupid titles like; MVPs,
Microsoft Contributors. All gathering for nominations of Jingle Bells. Among
regulars are included moderators of microsoft employees, whom is taken
part in the harassments against OPs by nominating even the most cheeky
contributors of them all. Visit the forum for a while and go back reading in
older threads and se by yourself.



Jul 20, 2013, 2:25:52 PM7/20/13
So, what is the replacement for EW2 - that can be used to edit current


Jul 20, 2013, 4:37:26 PM7/20/13
se wrote:

> And those MVPs.
> He wants you to go to
> Don't ask there. For years a bunch of regulars there have harassed OPs
> Regulars most of which are persons faughting for stupid titles like; MVPs,
> Microsoft Contributors. All gathering for nominations of Jingle Bells.
> Among those
> regulars are included moderators of microsoft employees, whom is taken
> part in the harassments against OPs by nominating even the most cheeky
> contributors of them all. Visit the forum for a while and go back
> reading in
> older threads and se by yourself.

Actually it is only one woman called KathyW who is harrasing not only
the OP but posters who would like to help out. She has got a chronic
problem of menopause and that sort of attitude is expected from a woman
dumped by everybody.

I would continue using the forums and face her head on including telling
her off whenever possible. If there are more people who would do this
then she may realise that her attitude is not accepted on M$ forums.

Apparently she wants to be an MVP but nobody is voting for her. I am
not surprised by this.


Jul 20, 2013, 5:14:53 PM7/20/13
to wrote:

> So, what is the replacement for EW2 - that can be used to edit current
> websites?

I have replied on the forums. Perhaps you could visit it.

Muse should be deleted from your list of alternatives; If you are
prepared to go for subscription based package then clearly there is only
one left and that is Adobe Dreamweaver CC; If this is not your cup of
tea then you could go for CMS packages like Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal
- the three most popular around. If there are people who are not sure
if these can create static sites then I can tell you that they can and
you get very good free templates to get started.

Microsoft seems to be closing down most of its popular products and its
market share is dwindling because of this. I think Bill Gates should be
brought back from retirement so that he can re-introduce a sense of
direction at Microsoft. Adobe is taking over from all of them in the
race for market share.

RIP Microsoft



Jul 20, 2013, 5:16:59 PM7/20/13

<> skrev i meddelelsen
> On Sun, 26 May 2013 18:15:23 +0200, "se" <> wrote:

> So, what is the replacement for EW2 - that can be used to edit current
> websites?

Once again, stick to EW2. If you have an older than EW2, there's no better
than follow Ronx's advice -download the free EW4. Be carefull, that is; if
you are using the CSS-reports found on the Tools Menu of EW4, then don't
let you be fooled to believe - what it tells you - that most of your
is redundent. If you install EW4 then look in your machines Control Panel
to se if it has "Microsoft .Net Framework 4" installed. EW4 needs it.


Jul 24, 2013, 4:24:26 PM7/24/13

"hot-totty" <> skrev i meddelelsen
Visiting a newsgroup once a year - or a few times, doesn't
make your knowable of whom. You shouldn't pick KathyW just
because she told you off. She's just one of them. You don't know
being there just a single -or at least only a few -times. Again; go
back and read the answers from those regulars from back in time
to get some knowledge as a foundation for your answer.

Jan 12, 2015, 4:54:14 PM1/12/15
Any web hosting that utilizes cPanel will no longer enable Frontpage extensions which are absolutely necessary to connect Frontpage to its server. So don't bother with any version of frontpage including Expression Web. Microsoft has burned us again by killing programs that many of us paid hundreds of dollars for. Boo on Microsoft!!!
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