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VLOOKUP only works when =Today() is used in formula, no other dates

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Shawn Morneau

May 8, 2007, 12:31:47 PM5/8/07
Hello, and thank you for reading my post.

I have a table of percentages that correspond to each week of the
previous year, beginning 1/1/2006. The lookup value I'm generating is
in the number format YYYYWW.

I want the percentage corresponding to the current week to
automatically load on another sheet when the workbook is opened. To
achieve this I set the E5 formula to '=Today()'. Below today's date
is a 'date override' cell (E7) where the user can enter a different
date to return it's percentage. I use the weeknum function to return
and display the week (E7,G7). I create the lookup value (I5) with the
following function.


I then use the following VLOOKUP to return the percentage based on the
above formula's result.


So long as E5 is not modified, and no override date is entered, the
VLOOKUP functions properly. If I change anything, however, the
VLOOKUP returns #N/A.

- If I add days to E5, '=Today() + 40' the lookup value displays
correctly '200625', but the VLOOKUP returns #N/A. Deleting the '+ 40'
corrects the error.

- Entering an override date also displays the correct lookup value in
I5, but VLOOKUP returns #N/A. Deleting the override date corrects the

I'm having a hard time understanding how, even though the lookup value
is displaying properly, any formula result other than =Today()
corrupts the lookup.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



Feb 23, 2008, 5:19:28 AM2/23/08
Newbie to Excel 2007, but I use AccessDB.

most date functions that I know are:

Excel = Now()
Access = Date()


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