If Cells(1, 15) = "000" Then
But if i insert a column somewhere to the left of column O, my code still
refers to cell O1 but needs to now refer to cell P1.
I've named the cell "data" and i tried
If Cells("data")="000" Then
but that didnt' work.
any other suggestions?
This will work...........
Sub test()
If Range("myname") = "000" Then
MsgBox "hello"
End If
End Sub
Or this construct..............
Set r = Range("myname")
If r.Cells = "000" Then
MsgBox "hello"
End If
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 10:22:01 -0700, Tami <Ta...@discussions.microsoft.com>
if range("Data").value = "000" then
(if it's really a string equal to 000)
if range("Data").value = 0 then
if it's really the number 0 that's formatted to show 3 digits)
Dave Peterson
I have these 2 lines of code in one of my macros
lr = ActiveCell.Row
Range("t" & lr).Select
so the Tis referring to specific column T but that could change to "U" if i
nsert a column...how do i make this code flexible?
Then you could use:
with activesheet 'I like to qualify my ranges!
.cells(lr, .range("nicenamehere").column).select
selection.value = "hi there"
end with
But most things you do in code don't need you to select the range first.
You can act on it directly:
with activesheet 'I like to qualify my ranges!
.cells(lr, .range("nicenamehere").column).value = "hi there"
end with
If you don't want to use a name, maybe you could search for a unique string in
the header (row 1???). Then use that found cell's column number.
dim FoundCell as range
with activesheet
with .rows(1) 'whatever row you want to search
set foundcell = .cells.find(What:="SomeUniqueString", _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
end with
if foundcell is nothing then
msgbox "Design error!"
exit sub
end if
.cells(lr, foundcell.column).value = "hi there again!"
end with
Dave Peterson
I bet you didn't use the With/End With structure.
It's always a good idea to qualify your ranges.
Dave Peterson
While this doesn't actually keep the code functioning immediately after a
sheet layout change, it does make it easier to fix. I can go to the
Declarations module, find the values for the sheet that changed and edit them
to match the new layout, then the code works properly again.
In my declarations module I might have something like this:
Public Const s1NameCol = "A" ' Names column on sheet 'Sheet1'
Public Const s1FirstDataRow = 4 ' 1st row with data on sheet 'Sheet1'
Then in code somewhere, perhaps I use these constants to help define a range
or check a value, using their names:
(this assumes we know that the ActiveSheet is 'Sheet1')
If ActiveSheet.Range(s1NameCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row < _
s1FirstDataRow Then
...code to deal with no data on the sheet here
End If
In this example, if a new column A were to be inserted, I'd just change
Public Const s1NameCol = "A" ' Names column on sheet 'Sheet1'
Public Const s1NameCol = "B" ' Names column on sheet 'Sheet1'
and by having used s1NameCol in the functional code, things keep working
fine after that.