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Microsoft Query Can't access table <table name>

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Lord Kelvan

Jul 7, 2008, 11:11:06 PM7/7/08
i recentally encountered a problem with trying to use this tool to
embed data from microsoft access into microsoft excel i searched
around and couldn't find the solution

i picked up this database form another developer and i am trying to
automate some reports etc it is not important but when i used
microsoft query some of the queries and tables couldnt be linked to
and displayed the error Can't access table <table name> so after some
trial and error i found the solution and since i coudlnt find the
answer on here i tought i would post the solution to anyone else who
may encounter it

i found by removing the spaces in the field names for the tables
solves the problem the overall thing in normal database design you
cannot enter spaces and in the case of microsoft access you can and so
it can create this problem i hope this helps anyone you may encounter
this problem


Lord Kelvan

Jul 9, 2008, 12:03:10 AM7/9/08
i also noted that the primary key can also be the problem if it is a
text field or somethign create another field with a auto number and
make it the primary key this will also solve soem of the problems


Jul 16, 2008, 5:08:54 AM7/16/08

I've just had the same problem, however with a different root cause.

In my case, I had logged on to MS Access with my own username to create the
query - Excel refused to link.

When I recreated the query using the username of "admin", all worked

Don't ask me to explain. But it works!


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