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Has any one got code to count lines of code ?

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Charles Jordan

Feb 21, 2002, 1:42:35 AM2/21/02
Hi . I'm working in Excel 95, for compatibility reasons, and I neeed
to count the number of lines of VBA code in 70 workbooks all sitting
in the same folder. I can write the loop routine using the DIR
dunction, but I need some code to actually count the number of lines
of code in each workbook. Of course, I could use Rob Bovey's excellent
Code Documentor (R), but don't fancy doing so 70 times. If Rob, or
anybody else could give the actual count routine, I would be most
grateful. TIA - Charles Jordan

Rob Bovey

Feb 21, 2002, 3:39:13 AM2/21/02
Hi Charles,

The source code for my code documentor is open and comes with the
package. For the Excel 95 version it will be located in a workbook named
Document.src. This is just a workbook with a different file extension, so if
you choose File/Open in Excel and specify the All Files filter you can open
it directly. You're welcome to take whatever you need out of it for your own
personal use.

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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"Charles Jordan" <> wrote in message

Charles Jordan

Feb 24, 2002, 2:13:26 AM2/24/02
Rob - thank you so much. Wow - what great code. I shall start trying
to dissect it on Monday. I cannot *begin* to tell you how many times
I have used this Project Documentor (R) over the last five years. It
really belongs up there with the greats. Charles Jordan

"Rob Bovey" <> wrote in message news:<OI7RSNruBHA.2020@tkmsftngp02>...

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