S+F Waefler a écrit :
> Is there a way to check whether a font is installed on the system using vba?
The following code defines two functions: GetFontNames returns the names
of all installed fonts (in a variant array), and
IsFontInstalled(FontName) returns True if the specified font is
For instance, if you want to know if Arial is installed:
MsgBox IsFontInstalled("Arial")
GetFontNames uses the executable code of two small callback functions
written in C++ and stored in the VBA code itself (in the strings Code1
and Code2). Tested only with Excel 97 SR-1/2 and Win95 OSR-2.
Const Code1 = _
"558BEC8B4D1433D28B450883C01CEB02424080380075F9660351" _
& "02B801000000426689510266FF015DC210"
Const Code2 = _
"558BEC53568B551433C00FBFF08B4D088B5A0403DE408A4C311C" _
& "0FBF720284C9880C3375E566014202B8010000005E5B5DC210"
Type SFont
Count As Integer
Length As Integer
Str As String
End Type
Declare Function GetDC Lib "User32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Declare Function EnumFontFamiliesA Lib "Gdi32" _
(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lpFaceName As Long, _
ByVal lpFontFunc As String, Fonts As SFont) As Long
Function GetFontNames()
Dim CallBack1 As String, CallBack2 As String
Dim Fonts As SFont
Dim FontNames() As String
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer
HexDec = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, _
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
For I = 1 To Len(Code1) Step 2
CallBack1 = CallBack1 & Chr(HexDec(Asc(Mid(Code1, I, 1)) _
- 48) * 16 + HexDec(Asc(Mid(Code1, I + 1, 1)) - 48))
Next I
For I = 1 To Len(Code2) Step 2
CallBack2 = CallBack2 & Chr(HexDec(Asc(Mid(Code2, I, 1)) _
- 48) * 16 + HexDec(Asc(Mid(Code2, I + 1, 1)) - 48))
Next I
EnumFontFamiliesA GetDC(0), 0, CallBack1, Fonts
Fonts.Str = Space(Fonts.Length)
Fonts.Length = 0
EnumFontFamiliesA GetDC(0), 0, CallBack2, Fonts
ReDim FontNames(1 To Fonts.Count)
J = 1
For I = 1 To Fonts.Count
K = InStr(J, Fonts.Str, Chr(0))
FontNames(I) = Mid(Fonts.Str, J, K - J)
J = K + 1
GetFontNames = FontNames
End Function
Function IsFontInstalled(FontName As String) As Boolean
IsFontInstalled = IsNumeric(Application.Match(FontName, _
GetFontNames, 0))
End Function
----- Posted by John Walkenbach of JWalk & Associates -----
----- Visit "The Spreadsheet Page" -----
----- http://www.j-walk.com/ss -----
S+F Waefler wrote in message <78famv$2s8$1...@bw107zhb.bluewin.ch>...
>Is there a way to check whether a font is installed on the system using
Here's another and heavier solution, working from excel 5 and up.
It is really a filemanager printer, starting in the folder entered and
reading/printing all files and file properties in directories and
subdirectories. Code is modified from recursive search code posted by
Mark Sadler in april this year. May be edited to perform whatever (even
deleting) on whatever file or filetype. For your question, run it and
enter C:\windows\fonts ,and it will write a file list from that
Option Explicit 'on top of module
Dim writerow As Integer
Sub Listdirectories()
Dim DirToSearch As String
On Error GoTo nofile
ActiveSheet.Cells(16000, 1).End(xlUp).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
writerow = ActiveCell.Row
DirToSearch = InputBox("Enter path for main folder" & Chr(10) & _
"(like C:\MINE )", "Write file list")
If Len(DirToSearch) > 0 Then
GetFilesInDirectory DirToSearch
LookForDirectories (DirToSearch)
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Selection.Subtotal GroupBy:=1, Function:=xlSum, TotalList:=Array(4 _
), Replace:=True, PageBreaks:=False, SummaryBelowData:=True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Columns("D:D").EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "# ### ##0"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "No folder with that name found"
End Sub
Sub LookForDirectories(ByVal DirToSearch As String)
Dim counter As Integer
Dim inte As Integer
Dim Directories() As String
Dim Contents As String
counter = 0
DirToSearch = DirToSearch & "\"
Contents = Dir(DirToSearch, vbDirectory)
Do While Contents <> ""
If Contents <> "." And Contents <> ".." Then
If (GetAttr(DirToSearch & Contents) And vbDirectory) = _
vbDirectory Then
counter% = counter% + 1
ReDim Preserve Directories(counter)
Directories(counter) = DirToSearch & Contents
End If
End If
Contents = Dir()
If counter = 0 Then Exit Sub
For inte = 1 To counter
If writerow > 15500 Then
writerow = 1
End If
GetFilesInDirectory Directories(inte)
LookForDirectories Directories(inte)
Next inte
End Sub
Sub GetFilesInDirectory(ByVal DirToSearch As String)
Dim NextFile As String
NextFile = Dir(DirToSearch & "\" & "*.*")
Do Until NextFile = ""
Application.StatusBar = writerow & " " & DirToSearch & "\" & NextFile
ActiveSheet.Cells(writerow, 1).Value = DirToSearch & "\"
ActiveSheet.Cells(writerow, 2).Value = NextFile
ActiveSheet.Cells(writerow, 3).Value = Mid(NextFile, InStr(NextFile,
".") + 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(writerow, 4).Value = FileLen(DirToSearch & "\" &
ActiveSheet.Cells(writerow, 4).NumberFormat = "# ### ##0"
ActiveSheet.Cells(writerow, 5).Value = FileDateTime(DirToSearch & "\" &
writerow = writerow + 1
NextFile = Dir()
End Sub
Best wishes Harald