Will S.
Please click [option] button on the dialogue box named Macro in
You can see [Short cut key] on the form named Macro Options.
Colo :-)
Colo - VBA guy! of 'The Road of The Cell Masters'
"Will S" <> wrote in message
The thing is is that I already tried that. The problem that I have with
that is that when I open the macro on another computer, I have to keep going
back to do that. I don't want the users to do that also. I was hoping that
there might be some code that will work, something like an OnKeyDown. I've
done it before in a VB program I created, but most of the coding I learned I
forgot and I can't find it anywheres.
Hopefully you can help me.
Thanks Again
Will S.
This example adds a shortcut key for the DoRand macro.
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="DoRand", _
HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="Z"
- Colo
Colo - VBA guy! of 'The Road of The Cell Masters'
"Will S" <> wrote in message
Set up your shortcut keys in the workbook_open event.
Tom Ogilvy
"Will S" <> wrote in message