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Histogram And Bin Size ?

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Jan 2, 2011, 10:36:59 AM1/2/11

Using W7 and Excel 2007.

I want to produce a Histogram chart from a large column of data.
The spreadsheet has a large column of dates (sequential, but arbitrary),
and next to each date there is a number.

I have the range for the data set up, (not interested in the dates
column at all for the Histogram) and, yup, Excel actually produces a
quite nice Histogram.

But, this is if don't enter a number for BIN.
It selects a Bin size by itself, but it ends up as a number like 5.675

I guess I am very confused over how I can tell it to use a particular
Bin size. I would just like a nice "clean" integer like 5, without the
decimal part, for the Bin size width.

How do I do this, please ?



Jan 2, 2011, 10:40:25 AM1/2/11
Hello again,

I realize that I probably didn't explain my just previous Post very well.

For the bin sizes, I would like to select, and have plotted, bins like
the following:


and not:



Jan 8, 2011, 3:05:11 PM1/8/11
Follow the following should answer. This is a new help sheet so any
problems email

Change the 0 to N with required number. Column B would contain your


Have the data in column B. To do a random dataset in cell B1 type
=randbetween(1,100) and enter. Drag the formula to B100 so that when
entered a number appears in each cell. Click CTRL HOME.

In cells D4 have the label Lower Limit and in E4 Upper Limit.

Assuming that the data is between 0 and 100 have entries in Lower
Limit for 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90. Under Upper Limit have
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90, 100. Change these numbers to suit your

Have the following labels in G4 Category, H4 Score, and I4 Score 2.

Under the Category culomn in G5 enter 0 to 10, G6 10 to 20, G7 20 to
30, G8 30 to 40, G9 40 to 50, G10 50 to 60, G11 60 to 70, G12 70 to
80, G13 80 to 90, G14 90 to 100.

In cell H5 enter this formula:


An alternate formula for 2003 and earlier is:

In cell I5 use =H5 as this is going to be used to give a trendline.

Now the basics and done do the following to format and make the
Type Category Histogram in G2.
Click on Cell G4
If on a chart sheet right click and Move to a normal sheet.
If pie chart is made right click and select Change Chart Type, Bar
Click on a red bar and right click select Change Series Chart Type to
Line Chart.
Click on the Vertical Axix and change the minimum to 80.
Click on the first blue column.
Change the Gap Width to 0%.
With the dialog box open click on a blue bar twice. The dialog box
should have change to Format Data Point.
Click on Fill and change colour.
Click on the next blue column and repeat.
Click on the Line and the dialog box should change to Format Data
Select Line Style and change the Width to 5 pt. Click on Close.
If you do not want the gridlines click on one and press Delete.
Click on the Legends and Delete.
In Excel 2003 and earlier right click and fill in the Wizard.
In 2007 do the following: Go to the Layout Tab, Axes, Axes, Primary
Horizontal Title, Show Left to Right Axix.
Click on the Axix title that appeared and in the formula bar click and
then click on H4 and enter.
Go to the Layout Tab, Axes, Axes, Primary Vertical Title, Show Default
Click on the Axix title that appeared, click on the formula bar, and
click on G4 and enter.
Click on Layout tab, Chart Title, Above Chart.
Click on the Chart Title that appeared and click on cell G2.
By using a formula to display the title if they are changed the chart
will automtically update.

When the chart is selected you can resize the chart by dragging on a
corner and pressing the left button. Move the chart around the sheet
when a four arrow appear under the mouse curor. To move to a new
chartsheet right click, Move Chart, and follow dialog.

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