Transpose won't do the trick, as I need 22 columns of data.
Excel 2000 SP3, on Win XP Pro SP2.
That's a lot of series for a chart. Is it going to be legible with so many lines?
I've only ever seen one chart that really needed so many series; an experimental
meteorologist needed custom curves on a chart (non-cartesian lines, like isobars). I
was able to help him combine around a thousand of these curves into a few dozen.
If you describe why you need all the series, someone might think of a similar way to
reduce them.
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
It's a golf-program, that has worked very well untill I exceeded the number
of data-rows allowed in Excel. In reality I only need maybe 15 rows of data.
But as my original intentions worked, I haven't thought of it, before now.
All my data are loaded to a sheet where I use AutoFilters via VB-script. So,
if I ask for a certain golf-course or player the filter responds "live" to
the request and updates graphs as well.
I can't get the source data to accept a variable - or I'm not clever enough,
and it has worked well, but now I may need data from row 1 and row 345, which
is impossible, because of the limitations in Excel.
Could you instead use a series of checkboxes or dropdowns to select the plotted
data? Here are some examples:
Looks as if it's the right track !!
I have been deep in to your homepage - great stuff !! and found som links
to, amongst others "J-walk", who had a work-around/dynamic chart solution
using "offset" and I think that it might be possible to use the existing
combo/drop-down boxes I use now. Combined with extensive use of the
offset-command - I might even expand the data I/O to my graphs.
Thanks for helping!!
The 255 is a fixed limit.
You either use 2 charts overlayed with the top one having transparent
chart/plot area. Obviously alignment will be an issue.
Or you use 1 series with data from 2 rows and then if required change
the colouration of points in the series. This would probably require a
vba solution if you need any this that is suppose to be automatic.
Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel