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NETMF on own produced hardware.

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Dec 10, 2010, 7:28:34 AM12/10/10
Hi all!
I am in the process of determine whether to use netmf for an handheld
remote for controlling a heating and ventilation unit. For that I need
ethernet (and maybe WiFi), color LCD with touch.
The thing is, that we want to produce our own hardware because of high
volume, and for that I see a large and complicated task making the BSP
by using the NETMF porting kit.
Is there some easier way of getting the work done by choosing a
firmware that is ready for a specific processor? Or what is the best
approach with minimal effort?

I have been looking at and have experience with the tahoe board from
Device Solutions. But they only seems to offer a complete processor
board, which we can produce ourself.


Jan 12, 2012, 11:19:54 AM1/12/12
Hi Munk,

if you are aiming for large volume then the porting costs are not that huge.. and as you only need to use the MF for single appliance so do not need to care about testing and porting all possible things that your system does not need.

For me I would say that 2011 was a revolutionary year that made the cost of .NET on board to drop below 5 EUR, this is freaking awesome! We are developing right now maybe 6 different products that are based on Cortex-M4 with 1M flash on chip. We paid like 7.8eur for 100 pcs i got last ones from mouser, but we have confirmed pricing of around 5 EUR for this chip.

We are not aiming yet to large volume, but we are prepared to take the hassle of porting MF to Cortex-M4.

As of your requirements, Ethernet should be no big issue you would need only to add cheap ethernet PHY (MF capable flash MCU do not have on-chip PHY yet).

LCD support depends on the module and MCU you choose possible also not an issue.

Wifi is different thing, it maybe best to use usb-wifi stick and implement usb host stack. or use SDIO interface. Again if you are into high volume market you may find more options on wifi. But for sure wifi support cost more then ethernet support in hardware cost.


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