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WSE910 error + timeToleranceInSeconds setting not affecting anythi

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11 de out. de 2007, 11:21:0011/10/2007
Hi everyone!

I have the above error wse910 with my web service when the client's pc is 3
minutes or so out of sync!

(If I set that pc to a smaller value, it DOES work!!!)

Actually it's this one:
WSE910: An error happened during the processing of a response message, and
you can find the error in the inner exception. You can also find the
response message in the Response property.

Doing a search I found that I should set timeToleranceInSeconds setting in
both the server and the client, I have done so,
but nothing changes, still that error!

Please, can somebody help me out with this?
What should I do about that syncronization issue?

Thanks in advance!

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