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Content of a CAT file

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Alexander Sailer

Jan 11, 2018, 7:22:55 AM1/11/18
Hello group,

I'm new to driver development, so please forgive me perhaps stupid questions.

Currently I should modify a driver package. Therefore is a usable description. In this package there are some CAT files newly generated with Inf2cat and some options behind. The CAT files are crated and I'm able to sign them.
Now I'd like to check the content of the CAT files, but I couldn't find anything to do this.
Could anyone give me a hint to do this?

Kind regards
Alexander Sailer

Alexander Sailer

Jan 12, 2018, 9:24:44 AM1/12/18
Am Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2018 13:22:55 UTC+1 schrieb Alexander Sailer:
> Hello group,
> I'm new to driver development, so please forgive me perhaps stupid questions. it is :-(

> Now I'd like to check the content of the CAT files, but I couldn't find anything to do this.

If I'm correct now a CAT-file is just a file contain hashes from the files coming with that CAT-file. If any contained hash has been changed the CAT-file isn't longer valid for this file and a probably available signature also.

If my thoughts are wrong please correct me

Kind regards
Alexander Sailer

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