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Who is Jeremy Shum and how's he gone from everyday boy to expert consulting lecture

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Aug 3, 2011, 10:28:37 PM8/3/11
Project Shum Institutional collaborates with risk averse educational environments to deliver high-risk pedagogical experimentation. Following a nine year empirical longitudinal study into experimental pedagogy (2002-2011), including the development of Project Shum Homeschool in 2004, we believe we can systematically create educational value by adopting fancy experimental pedagogy in the classroom.

This text adopts experimental pedagogy, most notably, its setting in a backstory, of an ordinary boy (Jeremy Shum LLB Laws), who though was a college student by day, is a secret agent by night. He also plays the protagonist, who lives a double life as a secret agent, posing as an ordinary schoolboy by day. Other notable but hypothetical non-existent characters are:

Beezus Quimby BEng (Civil) - Living a double life as a secret agent posing as superstar Hannah, Beezus is the foil. A preppy cheerleader by day, she is an unlikely friend of Jeremy.

Sophie Winzar MBBS - Unlike Beezus, Soph is tactful in everything she says, and is Jeremy's unlikely girlfriend. She is completing her hospital residency on field.

Adopting as framework, Shum’s Three Forces ((1) Written syllabus at a requisite but encompassed standard; (2) Communication adopting kinesthetic, auditory and visual cues; (3) Arousing interest in students to continue furthered search), our trials have encompassed:

* Teach on a need-to-know basis, sticking with a core essential syllabus
* Keeping language short and simple, not assuming loquacious jargon
* Organization of logical arguments clearly with supported evidence
* Appropriate symbols, metaphors, music, illlustrations, parables and humor to make learning fun for young folk
o Required learning material in black. Dynamic back story in grey
o Key concepts are in green
o Key concept words are underlined
* Facebook feedback learning to help develop knowledge

All Rights Reserved. No part of the copyrighted material of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise-with the prior written permission of the publisher. This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and locations portrayed and the names herein are fictitious, and any similarity to or identification with the location, name, character or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional. This is a satirical work. Use of third party material intended to fall under fair use. All damages disclaimed, use at own risk. Additional rights may be present in institutional work, please read the course information for more detailed information on intellectual rights management.

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