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How to create a YesNo column in ADOX

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John Mills

Jan 24, 2001, 12:53:09 PM1/24/01
I'm reposting this question over here...

Does anybody know how to do this? Every time I try it keeps coming back with

Here's the code I'm using:

'ConBriefCase is an active Access 2000 db
oBriefCaseCat.ActiveConnection = ConnBriefCase

Set oNewTable = New ADOX.Table
Set oNewTable.ParentCatalog = oBriefCaseCat

oNewTable.Name = "testing"

Set oNewCol = New ADOX.Column
Set oNewCol.ParentCatalog = oBriefCaseCat

oNewCol.DefinedSize = 2
oNewCol.Name = "theBitField"
oNewCol.Type = adBoolean
oNewCol.Attributes = adColNullable

oNewTable.Columns.Append oNewCol
Set oNewCol = Nothing

oBriefCaseCat.Tables.Append oNewTable ' <== this is where the error
Set oNewTable = Nothing

Sheir Rahman Ali

Jan 25, 2001, 10:07:09 AM1/25/01
I also have some problems. Using MDAC2.5 with VB6 and MS-Access2000.

Here is what I think you should try.
For Boolean do not specify the DefinedSize.
After you name your table object (& set its parentCatalog), add it to the
catalog object.
THEN create your boolean column object (w/o the defined size) and append
to the table object.

I think this is also related to my problem. I am trying to build the table
object with
columns (bool, autonumber, etc...), add indices and keys; then when I try to
append the table object to the Catalog object, I get a run-time error.

My errors are either ...
3219 Operation is not allowed in this context
Multiple step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB
status value, if available. No work was done.
-214721859 Type is invalid (when try to append table to catalog)

I think we both have to do operations one at a time
(ie don't append a bunch of columns at one time.)

This code here gives me the (-214721887) error ...
'Define the table with columns
With objTable
'must create a table with a name
.Name = "tblDummy"

' Assign the new table to the previously created objCatalogalog
' so we can use its dynamic props (ie to create Autonumber columns)
Set .ParentCatalog = objCatalog

' Create fields and append them to the new Table object.
.Columns.Append "ContactId", adInteger 'long int
' Make the ContactId column and auto incrementing column
.Columns("ContactId").Properties("AutoIncrement") = True

.Columns.Append "CustomerID", adSmallInt 'integer
' Make the column Required=False
.Columns("CustomerID").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "CustomerName", adVarWChar, 50 'text
.Columns("CustomerName").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "AgeCustomer", adUnsignedTinyInt 'byte
.Columns("AgeCustomer").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "SingleType", adSingle 'single
.Columns("SingleType").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "DoubleType", adDouble 'double
.Columns("DoubleType").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "AnnualIncome", adCurrency 'currency
.Columns("AnnualIncome").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "bAlive", adBoolean 'bool
.Columns("bAlive").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "Birthdate", adDate 'date/time
.Columns("Birthdate").Attributes = adColNullable

.Columns.Append "Notes", adLongVarWChar 'memo
.Columns("Notes").Attributes = adColNullable
End With 'With objTable

'Append the table to the Catalog (database)
objCatalog.Tables.Append objTable
objCatalog.Tables.Refresh 'refresh the collection of tables

I once came across a website dealing with ADO run-time errors, but I
forgot to bookmark it. Dam it all.

Anyway I hope my ramblings help.
If you figure out a better way to do things, please let me know.


"John Mills" <> wrote in message

John Mills

Jan 25, 2001, 1:22:09 PM1/25/01
Well, I finally figured it out late last night! I too kept getting the


Multiple step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB

status value, if available. No work was done.


-214721859 Type is invalid (when try to append table to catalog)

I think I've found a bug in MDAC - Actuall I've run into this several times
in the past but chalked it up to something I was doing wrong.

Anyway the bug is that if you try to explicitly set Column.Attributes =

you will get the "Multiple step OLE DB operation ..." error. If you leave
off adColNullable to make it a Required=Yes field, Jet forces it to
Required=No (but does NOT make an error).

I came up with a routine to copy the structure of a table in SQL Server 7 to
Access 2K using the Ole-DB Providers only -- not ODBC:

===================================== cut here

#Const MakeColsAsTables = 0 ' to debug indiv. fields

Public Sub CopyStructToMDB(TableName As String)

Dim oCat As New ADOX.Catalog

Dim oBriefCaseCat As New ADOX.Catalog

Dim oTable As ADOX.Table

Dim oNewTable As ADOX.Table

Dim oCol As ADOX.Column

Dim oNewCol As ADOX.Column

'both of these DBs MUST exist before running this routine!

oCat.ActiveConnection = "the source ConnString" ' the source

oBriefCaseCat.ActiveConnection = "the target ConnString" ' the target

Set oTable = oCat.Tables(TableName)

#If MakeColsAsTables Then ' to debug indiv. fields

For Each oCol In oTable.Columns

#End If

Set oNewTable = New ADOX.Table

' Create a new Table object.

Set oNewTable.ParentCatalog = oBriefCaseCat

#If MakeColsAsTables Then ' to debug indiv. fields

oNewTable.Name = TableName & "_" & oCol.Name


oNewTable.Name = TableName

#End If

' Create fields and append them to the

' Columns collection of the new Table object.

Dim X As Integer

Dim nType As Integer

Dim nAttribs As Integer

#If Not MakeColsAsTables Then ' to debug indiv. fields

For Each oCol In oTable.Columns

#End If

Set oNewCol = New ADOX.Column

Set oNewCol.ParentCatalog = oBriefCaseCat

'change SQL Server char to nchar

oNewCol.Type = IIf(oCol.Type = adChar, adWChar, oCol.Type)

oNewCol.DefinedSize = oCol.DefinedSize

oNewCol.NumericScale = oCol.NumericScale

oNewCol.Precision = oCol.Precision

oNewCol.Attributes = oCol.Attributes

If oNewCol.Type = adVarWChar Then ' make any nvarchar over 255 a memo

If oCol.DefinedSize > 255 Then

oNewCol.Type = adLongVarWChar 'Memo type

oNewCol.DefinedSize = 0

End If

ElseIf oNewCol.Type = adDBTimeStamp Then 'SQL Server Prov. thinks datetime
is DBTimestamp!

oNewCol.Type = adDate ' so fix it for Jet 4

ElseIf oNewCol.Type = adBoolean Then

oNewCol.Attributes = oCol.Attributes

'workaround for Jet 4 adBoolean bug

If (oCol.Attributes And adColNullable) = adColNullable Then

oNewCol.Attributes = oCol.Attributes And Not (adColNullable)

End If

ElseIf oNewCol.Type = adLongVarWChar Then

oNewCol.DefinedSize = 0

End If

oNewCol.Name = oCol.Name

oNewTable.Columns.Append oNewCol

Set oNewCol = Nothing

#If Not MakeColsAsTables Then ' to debug indiv. fields


#End If

On Error Resume Next

' Add the new Table to the Tables collection of the database.

oBriefCaseCat.Tables.Append oNewTable

If Err <> 0 Then

MsgBox "Database error (" & Hex(Err) & "): " & Error, vbInformation,

End If

Set oNewTable = Nothing

#If MakeColsAsTables Then ' to debug indiv. fields


#End If

End Sub

===================================== cut here

"Sheir Rahman Ali" <> wrote in message

Aug 18, 2014, 2:21:51 AM8/18/14
Thank you for posting solution for this issue with Yes/No field.
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