Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
"megeorge" <mege...@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
With a crosstab query you MUST declare your parameters and if any
other queries are used in the crosstab their parameters must also be declared.
Open the query in design mode
Select Query: Parameters from the Menu
Fill in the EXACT name of the parameter in column 1
Select the data type of the parameter in column 2
No, you still don't understand. You seem to be making the assumption that a
"parameter" in a query is something that prompts you for input when the query is
run and you want to eliminate that and use a form reference instead. What the
previous responders have been attempting to make you understand is that a form
reference is also a parameter (just a different kind).
In the following query...
WHERE SomeField = Forms!SomeForm!SomeControl
...the string "Forms!SomeForm!SomeControl" is considered a parameter. It is
just not a self-prompting parameter like what you are thinking of. Most queries
in Access will use such a parameter without you having to explicitly go into the
parameters dialog of the query and make an entry. The parameter is just
resolved on the fly.
A crosstab query is a bit more stubborn and insists that all parameters be
explicitly listed in the parameters dialog. So if I wanted to use the above
form reference in a crosstab query I would have to open the parameters list and
enter "Forms!SomeForm!SomeControl" as a parameter and indicate the DataType.
I don't check the Email account attached
to this message. Send instead to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com
"Rick Brandt" wrote:
> megeorge wrote:
> > John, Thanks for responding. No I understood Duanes response. I have
> > the parameters declared as you all have instructed. When I run the
> > query it prompts me for the value for the parameter. for example one
> > of the parameters is for a forecast id. I want the user to first
> > select a valid forecast id from a drop down list on a form. then use
> > that value in the parameter for the cross tab query.
> No, you still don't understand. You seem to be making the assumption that a
> "parameter" in a query is something that prompts you for input when the query is
> run and you want to eliminate that and use a form reference instead. What the
> previous responders have been attempting to make you understand is that a form
> reference is also a parameter (just a different kind).
> In the following query...
> SELECT * FROM SomeTable
> WHERE SomeField = Forms!SomeForm!SomeControl
> ....the string "Forms!SomeForm!SomeControl" is considered a parameter. It is
Forms!frm_BuildRptbySrvyProd!Test Product 1
Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
"HSL" <H...@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
"Rick Brandt" wrote:
> megeorge wrote:
> > John, Thanks for responding. No I understood Duanes response. I have
> > the parameters declared as you all have instructed. When I run the
> > query it prompts me for the value for the parameter. for example one
> > of the parameters is for a forecast id. I want the user to first
> > select a valid forecast id from a drop down list on a form. then use
> > that value in the parameter for the cross tab query.
> No, you still don't understand. You seem to be making the assumption that a
> "parameter" in a query is something that prompts you for input when the query is
> run and you want to eliminate that and use a form reference instead. What the
> previous responders have been attempting to make you understand is that a form
> reference is also a parameter (just a different kind).
> In the following query...
> SELECT * FROM SomeTable
> WHERE SomeField = Forms!SomeForm!SomeControl
> ....the string "Forms!SomeForm!SomeControl" is considered a parameter. It is
Then I have 3 buttons (so far) to open different reports filtered by the
selected criteria. The two that use select queries are working fine.
The cross tab query works for one of the boxes but if anything is selected
in the others I get
The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recongnize " as a valid field
name or expression.
The cross tab sql is
PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmReportCriteria]![Listmonthn] Text ( 255 ),
[Forms]![frmReportCriteria]![listFund] Text ( 255 ),
[Forms]![frmReportCriteria]![listFY] Text ( 255 ),
[Forms]![frmReportCriteria]![listdir] Text ( 255 ),
[Forms]![frmReportCriteria]![listdiv] Text ( 255 ),
[Forms]![frmReportCriteria]![listcategory] Text ( 255 );
SELECT qryRptCriteria.DIV, qryRptCriteria.[Fund Type],
Sum(qryRptCriteria.TOTAL) AS [Total Of TOTAL]
FROM qryRptCriteria
GROUP BY qryRptCriteria.DIV, qryRptCriteria.[Fund Type]
PIVOT qryRptCriteria.Category;
The vba for the button including the filter is:
Private Sub btnSummary_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnSummary_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim StrWhere As String
'FY- limit to selection unless null
If Not IsNull(Me.listFY) Then
StrWhere = StrWhere & "([FY]=""" & Me.listFY & """) and "
End If
'Fund Type - limit to selection unless null
If Not IsNull(Me.Listfund) Then
StrWhere = StrWhere & "([fund type]=""" & Me.Listfund & """) and "
End If
'Directorate - Limit to list unless null
If Not IsNull(Me.listDir) Then
StrWhere = StrWhere & "([dir] = """ & Me.listDir & """) and "
End If
'Divison - limit to selection unless null
If Not IsNull(Me.listdiv) Then
StrWhere = StrWhere & "([div] = """ & Me.listdiv & """) and "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Listmonthn) Then
StrWhere = StrWhere & "([MonthN] = """ & Me.Listmonthn & """) and "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Listcategory) Then
StrWhere = StrWhere & "([Category] = """ & Me.Listcategory & """) and "
End If
'Chop off the trailing and
lngLen = Len(StrWhere) - 5
If lngLen > 0 Then
StrWhere = Left$(StrWhere, lngLen)
End If
Debug.Print StrWhere
stDocName = "RptCriteriaCrosstab"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , StrWhere
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnSummary_Click
End Sub
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County