sda... I tried that and it worked. Before making the change, I opened a command window RunAsAdministrator. I did a CD to the MNYCoreFiles folder, and then I did
copy surf32.mar surf32.mar.bk0
which is my convention.
Thanks. Nice find. Further experimentation is warranted. For example, this change did not change the portfolio font.
Also, I wonder if changing the 8 to a 10 would have messed things up. Changing 8 to 9 did not change the file size or offsets of anything.
I have these surf*.* files in MNYCoreFiles using Money Plus Deluxe Sunset:
02/17/2010 07:21 PM 7,358,507 surf.mar
07/01/2022 05:03 AM 7,358,511 surf32.mar
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 87,920 surfinet.dll
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 113,008 surfshim.dll
These are my *.exe files:
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 144,752 daupdate.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 13,168 mnybb.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 50,032 mnybbsvc.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 145,264 mnycopymar.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 14,704 mnyimprt.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 499,568 mnyinsit.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 64,880 msmoney.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 67,952 salv.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 64,880 sanitize.exe
02/22/2010 04:56 PM 32,112 signin.exe