Who does already suport MicroProfile 2.x?

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Ryan J.

Sep 11, 2018, 6:00:00 AM9/11/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile

It's been a while, since MicroProfile 2.0 was released.

But which application server does already support it? IBM Liberty, Payara Micro? No, I don't think so... They still support only MicroProfile 1.0 or whatever.

I miss some Docker images of application servers which I can just pull, add my MicroProfile 2.0 war and run the application in Docker. As long as this is not possible easily people keep using Spring Boot etcetera for building micro services.

Mike Croft

Sep 11, 2018, 9:09:34 AM9/11/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Both OpenLiberty and Payara (Server and Micro) 183 support MicroProfile 2.0:

Although it's not listed there in the wiki, OpenLiberty has a GitHub issue which states that it was delivered 18 days ago:

For others....

Thorntail (formerly known as WildFly Swarm) isn't there yet, probably because it has changed to develop MP specs separately as SmallRye so the implementations can be included in both WildFly and Thorntail. You can see the progress of SmallRye here:

Tomitribe recently announced TomEE 7.1 and their intention to keep adding more MicroProfile specs very soon:

Oracle have *very* recently uncovered Helidon, which is starting at MicroProfile 1.1 and will add more features from there:

Fujitsu announced Launcher a long time ago, but there is no word (that I have seen) on how they will proceed. They are derived from GlassFish, like Payara, so whether they will collaborate with Payara or SmallRye remains to be seen:

KumuluzEE announced support for MP 1.2 a while ago, but I haven't seen much since then:

Beyond those, there are a couple of smaller implementations which implement a few specs:

I think that about covers everything! If you want 2.0 *now* you'll need OpenLiberty or Payara Micro/Payara Server. For the near future, keep an eye on: Thorntail and WildFly (both using SmallRye); TomEE 8.0; Oracle Helidon.

Mike Croft

Sep 11, 2018, 9:15:43 AM9/11/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
P.S: to answer your question about Docker images, here is the Payara Micro one which will simply allow you to add a WAR to it:

I checked out the OpenLiberty docker repository and the server.xml they are using for their MicroProfile image still refers to 1.2 rather than the latest 1.4, and there isn't a microProfile2 image tag. I expect there will be one before long though.

Kevin Sutter

Sep 11, 2018, 2:56:16 PM9/11/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Mike is correct. Open Liberty has completed the development of both MicroProfile 1.4 and 2.0.  We are in the final stages of building, testing, and packaging our deliverables that will contain these features:

Or, you can clone and build Open Liberty yourself:

In the mean time, you are welcome to use the latest Beta for WebSphere Liberty, which provides for MP 1.4 and 2.0:

The various binary distributions, as well as Docker images, will be available when are delivered.  (BTW, the refers to the 3Q of 2018, which means the release is imminent...)

-- Kevin

John Clingan

Sep 11, 2018, 3:40:03 PM9/11/18
to MicroProfile
Hey Mike, that’s a pretty nice writeup!

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Sep 11, 2018, 4:28:41 PM9/11/18
to microp...@googlegroups.com
I would say one worthy of a blog entry :-).

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Emily Jiang

Sep 12, 2018, 4:52:57 AM9/12/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Great summary, Mike!

Ondro Mihályi

Sep 12, 2018, 3:20:29 PM9/12/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Great write-up, Mike!

I agree with Reza, it's worth a blog entry.
I at least tweeted it here, anybody feel free to retweet: https://twitter.com/OMihalyi/status/1039956440285421576

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