CDI IllegalArgumentException

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R Yahiaoui

Jul 5, 2018, 1:01:12 PM7/5/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile


 I have the following code :

  Unmanaged unmanagedService = new Unmanaged<>(bm, _service_xx)               ;
  UnmanagedInstance serviceInstanceService = unmanagedService.newInstance() ;
  serviceInstanceService.produce().inject().postConstruct()                                       ;
  Object managedService = serviceInstanceService.get()                                           ;

 where "service_xx" is a class  annotated with @Counted and which is compiled at runtime.

 without "@Counted" averything works fine. 

 But with "@Counted" when I call "serviceInstanceService.produce().inject().postConstruct() ;" on the class " service_1" this works, 

 when I recall "serviceInstanceService.produce().inject().postConstruct() ;" on the "service_2", this throws the following exception :

(ServerService Thread Pool -- 13) null: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set com.rac021.jax.api.streamers.IStreamer field to org.jboss.weld.proxies.Service$Proxy$_$$_WeldSubclass

 Can someone tell me what's the problem



R Yahiaoui

Jul 8, 2018, 8:57:36 PM7/8/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
 Ideas about what's wrong ?



Emily Jiang

Jul 9, 2018, 5:20:32 AM7/9/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Which application server are you using?
With the limited info, I guess the previous unmanaged bean of server_xx is not a proxy. Once you have annotated with `@Counted' (which is an intercept binding), the instance you get will be a weld proxy. The injection will happen on the weld proxy (a subclass). Hope this might give you some pointer! If not, please share your code and post your question on relevant app server or weld-dev mailing list.


R Yahiaoui

Jul 9, 2018, 7:35:08 AM7/9/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile

I'm using Thorntail ( wildfly swarm ) 

service_xx is a template file which is compiled at runtime ( after updating the patterns ) with the following code :


@Counted(name = "{PACKAGE_NAME}" )

public class {SERVICE_NAME}



 private IStreamer streamerOutputJson ;

public void init() { }

public {SERVICE_NAME} () { }

public Response getResourceASJson( @HeaderParam("Keep") String filterdIndex )

{ ... }



It seem that streamerOutputJson can't be injected ( When the annotation @Counted is used )

Michal Szynkiewicz

Jul 10, 2018, 4:03:41 AM7/10/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
For the record, an issue has been created for the problem and the problem is being addressed there:

Emily Jiang

Jul 10, 2018, 9:59:28 AM7/10/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Thank you Michal for the update! Glad to know Thorntail is investigating this!

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